Just heard from the cook that last week someone rang the dog ranger and complained about the mutt barking all day while she is at work and the kids are at school.
They said he was barking from 5am-5pm which is impossible as the cook doesn't leave for work till well after 5am.
While pissed off at the style of complaint I don't blame them. I would be pissed if it were the other way round.
Only one complaint but she has spoken to an immediate neighbour today and he is still making a bit of noise but they are not worried.
Any of our close neighbours would have the balls to come over and chat as we know them all and they know we have a pup. Cook comes home every lunchtime and let's him out while she has her lunch.
I am in PNG and short of coming home early I cannot do much. The mutt is never in the kennel when we are home and imo is the problem in the first place. My fault.
I had the run and the kennel in the garage for the first few months and he seemed fine.
Maybe being outside and seeing and hearing different things set him off.
Any ideas I can pass on to the cook to help while I am away?
I told her to kennel him while they are home and only let him out when he is behaved.
I am not into collars but I don't want anymore issues.
He has an awesome insulated kennel and good run. I do not think it is a comfort issue.
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