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Thread: Black Lab Temperment

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    South Canterbury

    Black Lab Temperment

    Question for all the black lab owners out there.
    Is it true or an old wives tale about black labs being "snappy/grumpier" than the other colours? I can see how different breeds it could be but different temperment from the same litter due to colour?
    Some people have said purebreed is worse?
    Everyone that seems to be saying this arent actually owners/ex owners just people that "know" some-one with one.

  2. #2
    Member Dundee's Avatar
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    My blacks are vocal but bloody sure they wouldn't snap.

  3. #3
    Member upnorth uplander's Avatar
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    i have it from a good source that there are more people bitten by labs than any other dog in nz

  4. #4
    Gold member Pointer's Avatar
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    I've only had one black lab so I can't really comment, was my first dog, he was very placid. Also, my old fella had two at various times when I was young, a yeller one and a black dog. Neither of them I would say were snappy? Certainly not in a chesapeake bay retriever sort of way?
    I would write it off as a wives tale. The reports of them being the most common breed involved in biting incidence I would put down to the sheer numbers of labs or lab crosses in NZ.
    Perhaps some of the more experienced lab folk could answer?

    Heres a pic of the big old boy, 51kg on the hoof

  5. #5
    Almost literate. veitnamcam's Avatar
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    I have two crosses one with Great Dane one with border collie, the Dane cross is a big softy wouldnt hurt a fly. The collie cross is a bit grumpyer (but he is bloody old now) but not "snappy" he just gets up and buggers off if the kids annoy him
    "Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.

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  6. #6
    Member upnorth uplander's Avatar
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    i think like what pointer said about the high number of labs out there makes sense, also people take them for granted as being a softie and dont respect there space

  7. #7
    Official Cheese Shaman Spanners's Avatar
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    Our bitch has got a bit snappy in her old age with other dogs- shes around 18 now I think - its a age thing.

    You can have a litter of 10 black pups and you will have all temperments in that group, so i think its a old wives tale myself.

  8. #8
    Member Dundee's Avatar
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    fuk thats a good age spanner

  9. #9
    Official Cheese Shaman Spanners's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dundee View Post
    fuk thats a good age spanner
    I'll check with the olds over Xmas.. but sure shes ~18.

    Been retired from hunting for a few years when she buggered a leg/hip, but even though she comes across deaf and blind, she can see the gunbags ok and gets hyped up when you ask her where the ducks are.
    I think the pretending to be deaf/blind thing is just part of being female

  10. #10
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    Poor poor Spanners - there went a brave man to his doom

  11. #11
    If your not fast your last Shootm's Avatar
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    This is my second Black Lab and wouldn't hesitate getting another. Jet is really good with kids and other dogs. I think socialising your dog with others at a young age is the key.

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  12. #12
    Member Bonecrusher's Avatar
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    Old wifes tale, though dogs are just like us though a whole range of personalities and traits. My first black bitch had a real drive to hunt would never give in I mean never ...... she was especially protective of my girls if I wasn't around she just took over. I had a truckie deliver a tank load of water one day and I wasn't home she was fine no sign of aggression just padded around behind the guy running out his hoses, firing up the pump for a good 1/2 hour not one sign of aggression until he gave the clip board to my wife to sign the docket then the sneaky bitch mouthed him on the leg .... no barking or growling just a quick grab. The guy I've got now has zero aggression he is just so placid nothing phases him it just makes it a pleasure to have him out and about deer , ducks & pheasants is all his is interested in nothing else

  13. #13
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    the colour has nothing to do with temprement, a dog that bites says more about the owner than the dog/breed

  14. #14
    If your not fast your last Shootm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by morgun View Post
    the colour has nothing to do with temprement, a dog that bites says more about the owner than the dog/breed


    I Have Sexdaily. I mean Dyslexia! Fcuk!

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonecrusher View Post
    she was especially protective of my girls if I wasn't around she just took over.

    I've had this with a lot of dogs and many different breeds. When I walk them there's no problem with people, their good in fact. But when a woman or kid walks them don't go to near, they can get real protective.



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