Some good stuff here cheers. Might have try something different for next bag.
Some good stuff here cheers. Might have try something different for next bag.
Thanks for all the feedback everyone- lots of good info and real life experience- cheers
Not sure about the price or how good and whatnot but my dog seems to like realdogfood.
I have no affiliation with them but here you go... 20% off for 1st time order
Pays to add some of the new stuff a bit at a time to stop them getting the shits. 20% new stuff per day is the rule of thumb, so after 5 days your at 100% of the new food. It's not so much of an issue with dogs on a varied diet but if they are only eating one thing it can be a bit sloppy for a bit
I have fed Bo exclusively on RC Energy 4800 since he came off puppy food, another benefit is it contains a lot less protein from grain than a lot of others which helps immensely with dogs that get itchy and like to scratch themselves. It's expensive but a little goes a long way especially when they aren't working everyday. We always get comments about how well put together he is and his coat and teeth always look amazing and he doesn't smell like a dog at all.
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Mighty Mix biscuits and Frozen concentrate for me .
Second that, while my two arent working dogs they are 70kg boys that get a good run daily. A bag of large buscuits and raw will last us a month, really good price too.
I tried Blackhawk and Science Diet, but Purina Pro Plan Performance was the one I settled on. My dog's Coat looked noticeably shinier, she holds condition better and craps less! It's about 170 bucks for 20kg though (online repeat delivery). I also substitute with small amounts of raw venison trimmings
i fed science and purina, both gave my dog runny poo and farts that could kill
settle on coprice which i buy from the local stock food place. comes in many varieties from puppy thru working dog.
good value in 20+kilo bags, bought a plastic rubbish bin with a clip on lid to store it in
2nd for mighty mix frozen concentrate and biscuits
Worked out about 5-10 dollars a week for a 30kg lab huntaway mix and a small Shepard mix. I have no idea how people can afford to feed their dogs "cheap" dog rolls from the supermarket.
Now i have to use dry food as we dont have the freezer room anymore. Costs about twice that now.
copped rice working dog and chunky dog roll plus possums&rabbits I shoot around the place and a range of bones from the butcher for my vis and lab cross
I use Black hawk in my kennels to the tune of $50 000 plus a year.Upsets the least number of dogs.But it is getting pricey.
Use the mighty mix frozen concentrate for when we have a long stay dog that looses weight.
My own dogs also eat black hawk, plus food I make(what ever I shoot mixed with veges and rice).
They run hard everyday and have a shiny coat and a heart rate that gives the vet the shits.
On advice from this thread I changed my vis to Royal canine E4800 and what a huge difference. Weight is perfect, coat looks great, will eat it while out hunting and doesn't drop the weight after few days in the hills.
The station I work on buys royal cannin by the pellet. We’re part of a big company and I now we get it at quite a discount. Wondering if there’s enough members close together in an area would it be worth approaching a supplier direct for a discount?