Crikey we run 2 EP's and no way would a large bag last a month even with supplements ...venison etc.
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I freeze the veni offcuts in meal serves and give them to the dog for the arvo feed. I need to add fatty brisket bones in, as if I do the dog biscuit thing in the morning and veni in arvo, or straight veni only, he loses weight. There's just not enough fat in the veni, so I add brisket bones in - looks after the teeth also. I've also had to go to "Working Dog" in the Real Dog Food Range which has a higher fat/protein ratio - pointers are just energetic dogs, and need their fat! Need to keep dry food in the menu for when we do trips.
Great thread. Ive been feeding my 2 yr old gsp 900 grams of vension a day plus the frozen mighty mix concentrate, he looks good, and loves it, but never seems to put any weight on, might try the Royal canin and see how hes goes. ( just about brought a tear to my eye looking at weeks worth of venison for the dog this morning !)
Older dog got a treat with smoked snapper heads and cheeks done in manuka saw dust and raw brown sugar. Did 2 deer from aitch bone up. Our dogs love the rib cage. Smack it up with a cleaver. Just mow it down. They do not like venison too warm. Running 1 hour a day and then a Murupara fitness jaunt 1-3 hours. They are still complaining they dont get enough exercise. Currently also feeding MM frozen. 3 large cups. Variety is the spice of life. Just avoid the poor quality fuel because they work for you . Happy NY.
my two cents worth no 1 wild shot possum - really good but cut claws off - no 2 hares and the rest not much food value maybe wallabys dont know -mutton great - goat okay but a bit lean --venison they like it but not a good dog tucker need biscuits and something fatty with it - wild pork great but most dogs wont eat it raw so boil it - surprisingly eels my dogs in the scrub scoffed them down and fat content - horse used to do them on the station for dog tucker in winter only otherwise to salty in summer - cull cattle beast yes very good dog tucker - raw meat and some biscuits mixed in probably good mix -
I fed them raw but my dogs were hungry weeks on venison and the odd bit of cooked pork they would eat ya boots
Left field, but chooks love eels. Will peck them clean. Seems like a waste of a precious resource though.
If you want to make your dogs coat shine try salmon heads.