I see what you mean about puppies but I see that there may be evidence that they are aware of loud noises.
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I used to drag my pregnant wife down to the gun club to get our kids used to the gun early too,
KaimaiCockher is right on the money.... I'll probably elaborate later, but I'm all dogged out right now......
Just associate positive stuff with gunfire, and .22's are the worst thing you can do... to be cont'd.....
Back in the day when stock-whips were common place in this country the drovers / farmers would crack their whips around the in-pup bitches and after the litters were born to eliminate whip / gun shy pups, according to my Dad they very rarely had any pups that were whip or gun shy. Something that does not get results does not become common practice - so maybe the pups can hear or at least feel the "vibes" from their "Mum"....
I agree entirely. Worst thing I have found to use for gun breaking.
That's interesting @K1w1Keith. My dogs are bomb proof when it comes to shotguns yet fucking hate the stockwhip.
I've got a chocolate lab here thats coming up to 18 months old, and I was gonna take her out after rabbits and possums with an UNsuppressed .22 running subs, then supers.
Just so she gets used to the idea of the bang-dead-meat-thing and associates the rifle with hunting.
I had a German Shepard as a kid - any time the blue swandri went on, or she saw the rifle, she'd bounce up from her mat, jumping around yipping and raring to go!
She knew what a rifle was - she always kept her eye on the business end.
And as Spanners said earlier - that look of disbelief when the "bang"-nothing happened..... priceless :D