My oath, I've managed to find every deer to this point in my life without a dog and to be honest if you get a dog because you're too incompetent to find deer without one its going to end up rubbish hands down anyway. I want a mate first, hunter second, I've always said if it finds one big stag in its lifetime its paid for itself (Really who wouldnt pay $1000 for a big stag).
I see your point of view, I grew up with an old man that treated dogs as tools and not mates and I did it myself with running dogs which I've used since I was a kid. though if that was still the case I'd have an empty kennel at home where my whippet sits as I dont do it anymore.
But yes, I'd much rather a good mate to have in the bush thats a below par hunter than a good hunter thats a below par mate.
I've never found it too hard to find deer so thats not my problem and though I love the solitude of hunting and time with my own thoughts away from the rest of my life a mate to have that isnt going to whine, bitch and moan and just gets its kicks by being at my side in the bush, listening to my thoughts for the next day around a campfire while getting a scratch and someone to be there to share in the joy of when I do take an animal is all I'm after.
See from what you're saying, you rate dogs lower than people, whereas in my experience many dogs I rate higher than a lot of people I've met and have a lot more time for them. And thats what I want out of a hunting dog whether its a GSP, Vizsla, Weimeraner, GWP or whatever and I don't think thats so wrong.