purebred without papers white liver colouring $1200 located in Invercargill
purebred without papers white liver colouring $1200 located in Invercargill
I own the dog he is 18months he is an amazing dog gentle with my kids affectionate and very obedient loves to please, has been on ducks and deer and is a great hunter very steady.
Opening weekend around 6months old
Forgot to mention not ready till June 11. Have just been born
Wow do they lay golden turds
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Nope there shit definitely stinks much like you’re attitude NRT. If you are looking for a dog there are plenty out there up for adoption you tight prick!
Whilst I agree that good pedigree dogs command good money I do think you're a bit cheeky just joining up on the forum to sell pups @Mases5 no introduction (as per the rules) no banter etc just into it peddling your wares. So you probably deserved that....
Flappy Disc Customs Bespoke Hunting Rifles
Yip fair enough Ryan my bad. I’m interested in a lot of the subjects on the forum I just thought it was a good excuse to join and hoping our pups would go to some keen hunters.I’m just learning how to navigate the forum thanks for the feedback.
so pure bred with no papers ,means they cant be kennel club registered
cant be trialled or bred to registered stock and thier progeny registered correct?
no guarentee of temperment or conformation as covered by being papered then either?
That’s correct, these dogs would be for hunting/family pets. The only way to gauge temperament would be to meet the parents which is possible for interested buyers
temprerment and confirmation goes much deeper than one generation.
anyway your bogle not mine
buyers are free to do what they like
Awaiting puppy pictures,how many bitches?
4 dogs
8 bitches