Mate, every answer, bar one which was of no value, have told you to go back to basics and don;t take her hunting... so what did you do???
I tried to make it clear.... It seems to me like you want us to give you permission to shoot her. You don't need our permission for that, many thousands have been shot for less. The issue you have here is that she isn't trained, doesn't have a clue what you want and so is now an indifferent chaser who is developing a trail bark. You can shoot her and start again, but if you don't do the work with the next one it is almost inevitable you will again have another out of control trail barker.
You mentioned the quail as though her tuning into them was a crime... did she know you were after deer? Did you tell her? Is she trained to know to ignore quail in certain circumstances? Is she now ignoring deer because the last few times she has trail barked she's been given a hiding for it and is now ignoring deer? (Training term is "blinking".) If this is thee cause of her ignoring deer today, you trained her do ignore them the last time she got a towel up for chasing one