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Thread: How to stop my Dog chasing the Quad

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Godzone, South Island

    How to stop my Dog chasing the Quad

    Got myself a border collie last year to use both as a hunting dog, and a working dog on the farm. She is 10 months old, super keen, very intelligent, loves to hunt, just doesn't like guns, loves to go fishing. Usually easy to train and obedient, works the cattle, although too keen at times. My problem is that when I use the quad or the ute, she goes nuts, just loves to run, but we have a few minutes of endless circles and trying to bite the tires before she runs off flat out in front of the bike. Running in front I can deal with, its not gonna get her squashed. But I would prefer it if she ran beside the bike or ute, but she is so damned keen and excited she forgets all her commands. Same happens if the boss goes past on his bike - sometimes I can control her, but often she takes off to go to work with him.

    I have her on sit, stay, come here, back, steady, etc commands, no problems. And as we spend more time working the cattle, I think maturity and experience will take the edge of the keeness to work, but for 10 months she is pretty amazing - except for the bike thing.

    Any body got any ideas before I track down a shock collar.

  2. #2
    SiB is offline
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    You’ve got a young dog but is now at optimal training age. I suggest your dog has learned a bad behaviour, so it’s more about desensitisation to its learned response of excitement to quad bikes etc.

  3. #3
    Member 40mm's Avatar
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    shoot the quad.
    Use enough gun

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Stewart island / canterbury
    Return to the seller for a refund, must be something wrong....

    Can you spend some time with her on a lead walking around an area with quads going past? Get her used to them and that it doesn't always mean she is going to be going for a run. My mother managed to run over one of our dogs growing up whilst running them on the beach, with a landcruiser not a quad... Didn't end well

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Godzone, South Island
    Skye's a nice dog James, great to have around. Takes to water like a Labrador, loves to go fishing, loves to go hunting. She doesn't like the gun, but just takes herself away 30 or 40 metres when its time to shoot and watches proceedings. And then straight back to join in the fun. Has indicated both the 2 deer she has been in on. I think I may keep her rather than returning to the seller
    Should be able to sort the quad/ute thing soon. Ive yet to actually get angry with her, all training has been positive reinforcement, so am reluctant to resort to a shock collar. But she has had several encounters with the electric fence and learnt very quickly from that.
    223nut likes this.

  6. #6
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    drive quad close to electric fence......maybe set up low wire out infront across your path then carry on as usual...she will hit it and hopefully think stuff this for game of soldiers...
    dogs doing it are a pain in the arse.... do you have acess to a fert sower???? super spitting out at great rate of knots seems to sort out the chase truck thing fairly fast... Dad ran my pig/stock dog over with landrover and broke front leg years ago,dog just got too close then distracted at wrong moment. maybe make her sit on the quad while you drive around,if she gets off stop.make it her place to be on back behind you.dont let her run beside/behind it at all????

  7. #7
    Member Sideshow's Avatar
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    That’s not a bad way @Micky Duck.
    Micky Duck likes this.
    It's all fun and games till Darthvader comes along
    I respect your beliefs but don't impose them on me.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    I use a stick and wack his ass. He knows, I pick the stick up and he stops. Put it in the gun holder. Not that it works that well.
    He won't ride on the bike he wants to run.
    Not before popping my tires and he's been under the quad with two adults on it it towing a trailer full of gear. Popped out the back looking like why have we stopped.
    Too hard for his own good.



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