with my own eyes, I would not believe it.
We popped out for our usual bunny seeking mission this evening, but no customers were out in the open. hell hound does her usual trick of going after one in the thick scrub, despite her lack of success. I left her to it for ten mins or so, then called her back. No response!
`I know ` says me (to me), fire the 22, she cant resist finding the victim. The dog at this point, is about 80 to 100 meters away and very much out of sight.
I lined up on a little wooden figure I have at the end of the drive ( its a Penguin)....Bang!!!!
Dog appears from nowhere at 200 kph. I tell her to `find` and she goes to it. And I mean STRAIGHT to it. She then sits next to the wooden Penguin, sniffing the fresh bullet hole and looking at me as if to say ` yeah, its dead`.
I don't know how the hell the dog knew what I shot, but I am impressed.