There’s a decade old thread in here somewhere I started when I bought Ellie, my beautiful GSP.
I updated it recently mentioning we lost her to cancer late last year.
She was a pedigree and being such a great dog I wanted to continue her line, so I bred her a few years back. We kept the best bitch pup and her line seemed secure.
At four months, our pup Pepper wandered on to the road when we let her out for a leak, car came speeding down the road and that was that. Just like that Ellie’s line that I hope to continue through my life was snuffed out from the get go.
Nearly 6 months have passed now since Ellie died.
Last week I had a bizarre dream about Ellie, she was alive and well but before my eyes morphed into another dog. My wife and I were rocked pretty hard when Ellie died and I was a bit down after waking up for most of the day.
Got home in the evening and had a text on my phone from one Ellie’s pups owners. He had moved to a small townhouse in the city and couldn’t give him the time or exercise anymore. He asked if I’d like to take him. We met up yesterday and it’s like looking at another Ellie.
It’s been 24 hours and there’s still adjusting and waiting to see if it fits but I’m hopeful he’ll slot straight into the family. He’s good with the kids and very biddable. He’s also whole so I have the opportunity to continue Ellie’s line as well.
I’ve never been a big one on fate or kismet but this is an awful good coincidence if not.