wow that turned to crap in a hurry......
for what its worth Ive had working sheep dogs that killed chooks and were "reformed"
another heading dog was also used on pigs and cattle....we were working sheep on the neighbours place and his dogs would nip constantly when the boss wasnt looking,my PUP took that as licence and got runaway sheep in as good of ear hold with body tucked in as you have ever seen,,tail wagging because he thought he was doing the right he wasnt shot but very sternly taught that wasnt the right thing to do,neighbour stuck shock collar on his nipping dog and caught it at right moment and fixed it too.
never had worry of any of my dogs killing sheep.....and they would hold pigs and heal cattle mercelessly....fine around little people too.
but this is waaaay off where OP is with his lab not even in same farm let alone paddock.