@matto1234 sounds like he has the right idea but perhaps not the motivation?. Do you give him a bit of heart meat from recovered deer as a reward. The 1/4 Lab will be very food driven. If he associates deer with food he may become more focused on trying to find one. Try the same with a dragged skin. When he finds it give him a treat. Assuming he's not a bit gunshy?. I see you use a suppressor. A friend of mine has a gwp which stops working as soon as he chamber 's a round as he associates it with the upcoming Boom. Your dog may be doing the same thing with fresh scent?. My own dog struggles with ground scenting and prefers to air scent. He doesn't point but "indicates " when deer are in close proximity. Which tells me I need to slow down and keep me eyes open. You may be expecting to much from your mate to "lead" you into a deer and might just have to be happy that he let's you know they are close?. Personally I think it's better to have a dog that sticks by you than one that pushes too hard and bumps animals before you get in range.Thats my 2 cents worth, good luck with your hound.
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