We took Remmy for his first bush walk yesterday on a private block out looking for deer .
We saw wild sheep , goats , mum pig and piglets , hares and hedgehog . No deer .
When I say 'we' I don't mean Remmy.....
He was loving it but it wasn't until the 4th weka damn near bit him on the arse that he realised we weren't alone and decided to point ....
But it was a big day for the lad and he had his nose to the ground the whole time , when he wasn't digging holes or chewing sticks and was knackered after such a long day walking with all the new smells to sniff but all in all did really well in such a new environment and around 8 kms walked . And he seemed to enjoy the view at the top....
I think given time he will do well @Mohawk660