Lily and a yearling my daughter shot
Lily and a yearling my daughter shot
Kelpie X? Ears give Lily away
@Fat belly Dog
Border collie, heading dog, Smithfield x apparently
Last night. I wish i had a better camera on my phone
My boy working on getting all his big boy teeth
4 months old and 17.5kg today. had his first trip to the beach which he loved ( what dog doesn't like going to the beach).
Lol ya right Cigaralthough we had just come back from the beach whereas the other pic ( I had a rethink about posting the humping pic) was a few hours before.
Big day for him today, vet for final boosters, then beach where we met 2 friendly big dogs, and a walk which tired him out since he was curled up knackered in the passenger seat on the drive home. Bounced back to life though when the neighbourhood tart turned up again
here is the tease
her milkshake brings all the boys to the yard
here is the big dog on the scene as well. He lives down the road a bit
Last edited by rugerman; 06-05-2022 at 06:16 PM.
I regularly have to remind my mut that i am the one with the rifle!
When you are so tired you can’t even climb all the way up onto the couch before going to sleep.
Thor did some great work this morning. The shotgun is an 81 year old SO Beretta salvaged from a wrecked Italian truck by our troops during battle in the Libya desert in 1939. Used the new Falcon tinned #4 bismuth and it worked very well.
Last edited by Woody; 07-05-2022 at 02:37 PM.
Summer grass
Of stalwart warriors splendid dreams
the aftermath.
Matsuo Basho.
New Twin needle harness arrived the other day. Seems to fit ok but haven't put the pouches on yet. A few minor adjustments to make to get the fit right but shouldn't be too tricky. Twin needle were really prompt with the delivery and ordering was really easy.
If you have a garden and a library, you have all you need. Oh, and a dog, and a rifle
What size did you go for? Been thinking about getting one for Bo and have generally had good dealings with TN but have sent them and email and messages through Instagram and no reply as I felt their size descriptions were a bit vague. I reckon Bo would be similar size to your dog
Flappy Disc Customs Bespoke Hunting Rifles
@Ryan_Songhurst, I went on to the website and ordered one. There was no size description or photo on the Molly harness so I just had to hope that it was the right size. As far as communication goes they have been excellent whenever I have sent an e-mail. Hannah is the one I have communicated with and she is onto it. seems to work very well.
If you have a garden and a library, you have all you need. Oh, and a dog, and a rifle