Ran him over last night. Jumped the fence and chased me out onto the road as I headed into town
Ran him over last night. Jumped the fence and chased me out onto the road as I headed into town
Oh - very sad bro
So what’s the vets verdict (don't tell me the price)
Any permanent damage I mean
Just looking at tail
I think they should have shortened it when they did the fix up - all my GSP - WHP already had this b4 all the PC nonsense kicked in, and now with your dog – surely he/she needs it docked
Went to the after hours vet this morning to transfer him to our regular vet. The vet very excitedly told me that his spinal swelling had subsided over night and he had gone from no mobility in the rear, to up and walking this morning, albeit very unstable. So it’s looking like he might be ok.