Axel in his dad's collar
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Axel in his dad's collar
Soooooooooo cute
looks like a dog eqivalent of Hannibal Lector... hope he doesnt bite other dogs ears!!!
Your getting like a chick with all these puppy photos bro. Next you will have pics of them in human clothes :P
Alright well here's Quin with some dead shit to even things out a bit
much better!
Great pics man, thanks for sharing.
I'll post my hoodie up to you and you can get a matching profile pic ;)
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Merry Christmas Jet, we got you a pool considering it's been up to 27oC today!!!
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You took the words out off my mouth Rushy:P Merry Christmas Dougie and all fellow dog lovers
My boys
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Heres a few of SID at about 10mths old, not allot of work has gone into him as ive been to busy with the new job and the new baby so time to hunt has been slim but so far so good.
:thumbsup: :D
That's a real dog, he doesn't fetch sticks, he fetches firewood sized branches !
its actually little by his standards, the ones he can just move are the best. hes a real character.
What do you feed him on ? woodchip coated rocks with venison flavouring ?
i used to take him to the beach and he wouldnt get tired. so i started him pulling weights, slowly increasing them. i think he got to about 17kgs of weight.(him weighing about 30kg) about 1 km each way. and could still run in bursts with them on if he wanted to. i wasnt being mean just trying to get him the workout he needed.
he hasnt done that in ages now though, he broke the harness. id have to start from the start again. he has lost all his size now (small in that picture)
but the stick thing came from the beach too, at three months old he found a boat oar that he would carry on that walk each time. from there he just didnt do sticks.
but hes been a great dog, allways a laugh. and tough!
i could tell many stories.
I put my dogs in a harness and hook them to my mountain bike and have them pull me around. Great way to excercise them.
Reckon you'd need to upgrade the brakes on your mtb before hooking Ice to it :D
Friend of mine back home has 2 bullies, fantastic personalities, and tough as nails. The boy LOVES eating apples...
one of his favourite toys is a big rope hanging on a tree, i cant seem to be able to upload a short video.
anyway, its on an apple tree, and he shakes the tree and eats the apples that fall.
ice can pop the front tyre of a quad bike while its moving. one day he tried it with myself and a mate on it towing a trailer with all our fishing gear and i ended up running him over. i thought oh shit, off to the vet. but as soon as he came out the back he was up back at it like why did we stop, he was fine.
i guess you just have to know a bull terrier, there often thought of as dumb, im sure there are more inteligent dogs but there not dumb. more just focused, they dont give up easly. you cant start something your not willing to take to the next level. they dont feel pain, in the heat of the moment.
i have a nitro powered r.c truck. one time he chased it around from the wet grass to the tarseal and back until his feet bled, and i noticed it. he spent days afterwards not being able to walk.
that is a hell of a dog you have there Bully.
some in the park below my place today -bit soft as they're off my iphone
You guys should all know by now how much of a crazy dog lady I am and here's another proud Mom moment! I wish my phone video format would agree with my computer.... anyway the pic gives you sort of the idea of the trick called 'cop-cop' (I have no idea why it's called that). I never thought Jet could do this trick, I thought it was too hard. I'm not a good enough trainer. I can't get my dog to do that. Pfffft well we did it :)
This is at our local park, very windy!!
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Here's a video of somebody else doing the trick so you get the idea (also young dog, new to the trick):
Cop Cop & paws on my feet- Clicker Training Tricks - YouTube
How to teach your dog cop-cop (not quite how we did it, Jet already knows how to paw target so I skipped 'book' step and went straight to targeting my feet while they were already apart) and also a cool final-result demo at the end.
How to teach the trick Cop Cop dog training clicker - YouTube
I would have no tux left if I was too attempt that trick:D
Dougie, what on earth, girl????!!!!! :D:D:D:D Please do not do the music thing with him, oh, please dont?????? I'll cry!!!!
I want to see a video of Ryen and Quin doing the "cop-cop" ;)
WTF is a "cop cop"?:wtfsmilie:
cop cop eat too much dog tuuka training that move
There's almost a song in there, somewhere!!!