The three labradors having smoko on another hot fine day
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The three labradors having smoko on another hot fine day
Attachment 7633Attachment 7634Attachment 7635
Lucky buggars. The old man used to squirt straight from the teat into a waiting mouth.
Here's the lad doing his duty on the vineyard this morning...we go back in a couple of hours to do it all over again...
Is that to keep the birds out Eeebees?
Yes, Dundee...the waxeyes in particular are real houdinis getting in and out of the least the thrush and blackbird will take the whole berry with them but the waxeyes pierce the skin and get the juice...leaving perfect little holes for the mildews and botrytis to get into the fruit...
Here's my dog Max. He is ten but still in good health. Not a hunting dog, we got him when I was 8 and im the only one who hunts in family so he never got that training. Definitely has retriever qualities in him though, he loves finding shit and bringing it to you to see.
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He'd be an old friend then Phillip. Been there half your life time.
Attachment 8073 we got this fella up in the mountains, with the hounds. I think this is why they invented rifles, for us fat old bastards.
Cheers Rob
Thats a big brute Rob:thumbsup:
He is at the taxidermist I'll post some pic's when he is done. he was a bit of a handful,I'm sure I'm getting to old for this.
Cheers Rob
My little girl
Attachment 8078
The boy
Chalk and cheese these 2
Attachment 8079
Phillip when I was a kid, one of our dogs was a Golden named "Sugar Bear" - she was HUGE and white. Loved us kids like her own puppies even though we were always hanging off her ears and tying her up to our sleds in the winter. She put up with us for eight years until we moved to NZ and couldn't afford to bring her with us. No shit, a clean bill of health, a few months after we had rehomed her she died. I've heard this before of Goldens (and a few labs) 'dying of a broken heart'. Sad but sweet, huh!?
Also that reminds me - have you seen this? Pretty rad eh. Dogs rule.
Adopted dog treks 10 miles in freezing cold back to shelter to be with his beloved mate » DogHeirs | Where Dogs Are Family « Keywords: Terre Haute, humane society, strays
Ten the freezing shoes! ;)
Here's my wee boy, I still haven't got that new bigger bed for him! Slack mother :D
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Under the car after a walkies with ebf
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Good to see the new job has you up before ten Dougie:)
Cant leave the worker out, Bruce, possum slayer, part time sheep and cattle
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Hurry up dad. Catch a fish already!!!
Your right James I must be using the wrong shampoo, I'm glad you pointed it out , the rip off bastard I bought him off said he was part wirehaired pionter. You can't trust anyone these days
Cheers Rob
That's a sad story about your Golden retriever girl. I know exactly about how tolerant they are. Max takes a lot of annoyance without giving a toss and if it's getting too much, its always a warning and only once he has followed through (because his warning wasn't heeded). Great natured dogs.
Haha I had to laugh a bit at that link Dougie, it's a great story but that writer has a bit of an imagination.
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Who would have thought feijoas make the best puppy toys.
I like Bruce
Bruce is sooooooo cute
For you, Rushy
Attachment 8303
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Went for a hunt with the young fella and a couple of mates and his first trip hunting from the chopper all had a good time and saw some good hogs. Young bitch catching here first pig one out.
Cheers Rob
What breed of dog have you got Rob
Bull Arab?
Looks like it
Cool pics rob:cool:
New dog Joy
An old hand, hardly needs telling what to do
Attachment 9160
Attachment 9468hunter ty and turbo
Awww the wooly one looks put out! Big bully on the lazyboy :D
Those two dogs must be watching country calender:D
Nice looking dogs.
he has always been able to put on a sad face
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Chasing uplands
Sid with one we should of left.