Always with the chew toy untouched ay :D
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Don't get them wet.
Don't expose them to bright light.
Don't feed them after midnight.
Attachment 131167
Attachment 131169
Mums dog camouflage expert
Attachment 131168
An unsuccessful hunt in the Kaimanawas, require belly rubs before allowed rifle back
Attachment 131170
Shitty photo I know but something very strange has happened in this Waikato drought. Both my Staffords now spend all night out on the driveway eating insects that come to the garage lights. I cannot begin to imagine how many they eat. Hundreds? On and on and on they go and they won’t come back in for more than two or three minutes before heading out again. Last night I left them out all night. It started with the black crickets, and now it’s moths. They’ll jump for the moths and take them out of midair.
So now I have two insectivores. Well, anything-edible-ivories. In decades of owning dogs I’ve never seen them do this before.
Attachment 131560
No offence intended at all of course but your dog looks mental @Nugget connaisseur. It’s all in those ears.
Everyone comments on her ears.
Is she X with a Dingo? or something. When she was a pup 1 ear was up one was down. It was the Best!
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I knew this would happen.
After posting a photo of my Staffords eating bugs, it was only a matter of time.
Attachment 131639
Wait! There's more!
Attachment 131640
Why is it that my dogs only ever vomit, or on a very bad day after eating dead something, shit on the carpet. There's about 100 sq metres of wooden floor to use, simply wipe and job done!
But no... never... only carpet will do.
Dammm thats Nasty,
I have had the pleasure of cleaning up Goat skin Burritos marinated in stomach acid.
I hear you!! always on the carpet.
yummo :)
Even worse when you step in it on the way to the crapper in the middle of the night :omg:
And always got to take a shit right in the middle of the lawn just after you've mowed it
Here’s my sons dog she’s 7years old a golden Labrador.Attachment 133154