RIP Saike
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RIP Saike
@Ross Nolan Sorry to here mate ,that is a beautiful photo .
From better days
Thanks Mike and Bunji. She was a good little dog, and much too young.
Sorry for your loss Ross.
That's a real bummer Ross. It's bad enough when they go "full distance" let alone when they are taken early.
Best wishes in this difficult time.
Buckle up Bo,we going off road in the ford festiva!
Attachment 184980
Attachment 185295
My son and Maddie, oil painting by my wife.
The Bernie man. ! year old.Attachment 185482Attachment 185483Attachment 185484
@Flyblown - thanks mate. The painting is called 'things to do, places to be' and it relates to both kid and dog, not wanting to know about posing for a painting.
Sacha’s first outing. She was bloody useless - didn’t even know the deer were there, spooked 2 by barking while I moved in on the first and not sitting still while I lined up on the second, but we eventually bagged one. Couldn’t even find it in the matagouri - fortunately I did. But she enjoyed herself, especially when she got a share of the spoils! Hopefully the experience will trigger her hunting drive and get her keyed in on deer scent. I don’t know whether I’m doing her training right, just figuring it out as I go…
Attachment 186175