Good on ya mate. I cannot move as fast as I once could so the help is useful.
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yea just bring out a gun the house goes mad
I told him to give up but he wont listen:D
Attachment 18786
My collies - Cleo and Jess
Attachment 18895Attachment 18896Attachment 18897
My pot lickers
Attachment 18898
Attachment 18899
That dog is thinking "I have got the stick and it is mine, don't even think about it shorty".
Our new lab, just got her home from way up north:)
Attachment 18933Attachment 18934
Now that's smart!!
here are some updated pics of Nitro the Vizsla lab cross
Attachment 18968
Attachment 18969
Attachment 18970
Attachment 18971
Attachment 18972
Attachment 18973
Attachment 18974
Tell him to put his meat away:D
haha i know lol, he is a year old now
He is a nice looking dog
he sleeps so much still he hasnt been out hunting or around the guns yet but he didnt mind the fireworks around town
Trust you to notice the lipstick Dundee. Nice dog nonetheless.
we think he is a good mix as he has the vizsla energy and height as he is as tall as the male vizslas around and is a bit more calm and longer coat and body mass from the lab
He sleeps so much, with vizsla energy?
Cool looking dog
Ellie retrieving chital skin
His name is Gibson. Doesn't look too flash and smells even worse. Loves venison though. Medium rare.
Attachment 18982
Is that @Gibo ? :D
Holly home save and sound after a long trip home. suffered a bit of motion sickness but my nephew lap caught it all LOL.Attachment 18999
couple off red on the job:yuush:
Shit that looks like the sire to my boy , what kennels does he come from gsp follower ?
guncity boss,s missus breeds them aparently??
i got him off a young bloke that paid 450 for him as a pup then basicly did nothing with him.
his only good point at the time was he was totaly gun fine.
he ripped rubbish bags,tore towels off the line ,took himself for a run round the nieghbourhood as soon as i turned my back:yaeh am not durnk:
but we are gradually reaching an understanding i think :cool
heres a couple with a better hold on a goose ,hes only 28kgs drippin wet and that is a hefty bird:yuush:
GSP- pity you didnt put up a couple of the old fella .what a memory-a d8 dozer on four legs.
red -youre gettin like the boss son-a chunky wee monkey!:thumbsup:
as requested kotuku the old boy at his best and looking for more:useless:
who could ever forget the mighty Elvis,goose clamped in the dozer jaws ,stumping through the grass and shit at ellesmere.That bloody great head shoved out the maimai door whilst he rumbled "FFSboss get on with it will ya ,Imgettin old i have to shoot the bastards myself???"
ah the memories.
RIP elvis -heres to hopin the geese fly wherever you are old fella
Is that a lab X D8 Kotuku? :D
My dog can't even pull a bloody goose.
rottwieler cross gsp:D
i still miss being able to drop a goose and know where ever it fell elvis ,in his younger years, would do his utmost to get it.
mostly he would have marked its fall and been half way to it before id finished congradulating myself .but perfection is subjective and the day i put him down was a real lowpoint.
one more for nostalgias sake
in his prime and a lean mean retrieving machine.:yaeh am not durnk:well a mean retrieving machine anyway like his mother he ate like a horse and always looked like it to.
nup tobes old son IMOhe was a dog in a million.faithful he had it in spades.pigheaded -yeessirreeee( Iwas responsible for one incident where ive heard words that aint even in the oxford dictionary,as a bloodyi rateGSP F tried to get the old fella back to us),but as his lordshgip says ,very little escaped elvis's grasp when he locked on.Iwas present when squire sent the old fella to the great cnada goose fields in the sky and I fired a 12g volley to salute him.
precious memories.
red of course was much younger in those days and more than a little skittish,but i must say hes now developed into quite the right ,"lets get the shit sorted boss"type but stillhas some endeaeing little traits to him.Sitting on my pack in the maimai being one.:thumbsup:
My old girl Jess 10years old,cooler conditons last night she came to the river.
Lately she has just stayed home and not bother.
Attachment 19624
Growing like a bloody weed to 3kg in the last month i think thats good gain for a pointer. smart little cookie. I want to do everything right in training her for deer i would hate to waste her natural born talent. She is very loyal and obedient even at 3 months.
one mans endearing is another mans mongrel bastard:DQuote:
red of course was much younger in those days and more than a little skittish,but i must say hes now developed into quite the right ,"lets get the shit sorted boss"type but stillhas some endearing little traits to him.Sitting on my pack in the maimai being one.
and sitting wasnt a spelling mistake he dont like haveing a wet arse but i wouldnt put the ''shitting on my pack ''past him either he,s a sneaky hua
Toby, ask UU to borrow Snowy. Urban legend that dog
My GSP pup Ellie must be my lucky charm, first hunt together and she's seen a fallow doe yearling and a nice buck on the ground, hopefully a sign of things to come. Love that little brat :)
Attachment 19670