ah well there you go, how old would Doc be?
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ah well there you go, how old would Doc be?
My Vizsla Max
Attachment 22075
Attachment 22076
Off getting firewood today, both dogs are keen and rearing to go. Jazz spends her day looking for game and Tilly keeps the cows away. Tilly climbs up on the roof of the vehicle when ever I stop. She climbs onto the spare wheel and then jumps on to the roof. I think Jazz users her as bait to attract People to the car to pat the cute little dog, and then they get the big growl and fck off bark from Mrs K9 security. And yes I have driven off one night when she had snuck up on top unseen. luckily the client found her in his drive way and returned her unharmed.
Attachment 22148
Great pic GA. Tilly looks hard case.
My old Staffy back in uk was called Jazz. Best dog I ever had the pleasure of being owned by :)
We also had his niece, and her name was Solo
Wish we had the grass and water.Nice dogs.
Jazz and Tilly look very vigilant GA.
Balanced this deers foot on her back for close to 10 secs.
I know shes fat I'm working on it! Found out my nephew, mum and sister have all been feeding her as well as me.
Toby has a fat Lab. Do the dog a favour Toby and tell your family not to feed your fat Lab. Ha ha ha ha fat Lab, fat Lab, fat Lab.
I do walk her, trying to get my brother to run her but hes just as fat and lazy. I might try nail a goat for dog food. She seems to be fed but not gain weight on it
Have you tried the biscuit on the head trick yet Toby or do you value your fingers?
Bolt with bickey on the snout and head and I still got 11 fingers:D
Attachment 22425Attachment 22426
Tried and failed. Though while hunting I found a wad and sat that on her head.
Check out these two magnificent specimens!
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk - keep calm and carry on
Little miss Ellie will tolerate anything when dad brings home some yummy swollen neck muscles off a fallow buck!
Attachment 22477
here is a update of Nitro
Attachment 22619
Attachment 22620
Attachment 22621
yeah, this gives an idea of how big they are. I guess their ancestors were bred for rats n mice, they will chase rabbits all day with little success (haha legs too short), but they think they are made to chase cows and are brave enough to do it!
Attachment 22623
Here's a photo of a German in an unusual pose whilst out in the hill Easter sunday,unusual being of course actually being still and somewhat bidable, especially when he's only just turned 3. Mind you he's run a k or two before this.
Attachment 23322
My pup bowser (he had that name when I got him) about 10 months old hes 1/4 lab 1/4 gwp and 1/2 gsp very smart dog can't wait to get him onto deer
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he does look a bit shattered jakewire:yaeh am not durnk: or is he like my gsp just waiting till his 2nd wind kicks in:DQuote:
Here's a photo of a German in an unusual pose whilst out in the hill Easter sunday,unusual being of course actually being still and somewhat bidable, especially when he's only just turned 3. Mind you he's run a k or two before this.
The puppies at 11 months old...http://img.tapatalk.com/d/14/04/27/a5ybe8y8.jpghttp://img.tapatalk.com/d/14/04/27/nesy6e6u.jpg
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How cute are they.
Pretty darn I reckon. http://img.tapatalk.com/d/14/04/27/y4usu7ym.jpg
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The one with the lipstick out got lab in em?:D
Not 100% sure. His mum is a collie and dad unknown. I think dad was a staffy x lab. Real mix but my boys a bloody good pooch.
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My new pup TUI..Attachment 23461
Cool looking pup monk, looks like he has caught a deer already !
INCOMING ! Beau checking out a pair of mallard .
Attachment 23829
Monk cute puppy what breed is it.
She's a GWP
not my dog but my daughter with Dice, those into dog trialing may recognise dice.
Attachment 23994
What you guys up to in there?!
Didn't think so may as well go to sleep.:DAttachment 23995