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Dog photo's eh, well I'm restocking the dog supply at the moment.
A big fat very unfit lab
A JR with christ knows what in it
A labXspringer (yer right) But so far hunting alright.
By the end of the week we'll find out if their any good and hopefully fat bastard has caught up by then.
Photo's of mutts
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morgun before
Morgun - YouTube
and after a bout with mouldy dog roll, 4 months recovery and rehab
Holy cow! dog roll did that to her? more info please
Any mould that appears on dog food is usually a grain mould ( same stuff on mouldy bread ) this produces aflatoxin which is a neurotoxin. The result is convulsions and if untreated death. Morguns dose was bad enough to leave him brain damaged, hard to tell in the vid but he has most of his weight on his front legs ( like someone on crutches ). He has balance problems and control issues with his back legs. He has made huge progress, when I got him back from the vets he could only crawl dragging his back legs.
No help from the makers of the dog roll, Ive known the pricks for over 20 years.
Dundee the vid is a few weeks old, I take him to the hydrotherapy every weekend, it allows him to walk normally without rocking his hips from side to side. He is making steady progress but will never be 100%, he still swims like a fish and loves to retrieve so duck hunting won't be a problem as long as I take it easy
That sux mate!!! Take it easy guys
Shit something to watch out for then! And im not eating any bread with mould anymore!
Nice:thumbsup:Best breed.
heres my mate back a few years before he past
heres my girls both lab x gsp
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Mates dog Turk
Heres my black buddy at the river today tail straight up in the air must of been cold in the swollen river.:yaeh am not durnk:
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Dammit I want to train a dog for deer, unfortunately i cant in good conscience get a new pup and leave the pot lickers at home
take a pot licker hunting?
One of em(mine) has a really good nose and the right temperament the other one(the missuses) is a hyperactive jumpy whiny shit(bordercollie/lab) unfortunately they both think they are mine and it wouldn't be right to play "favorites" and take one without the other.
Or am I just being a soft cu*t?
yep :) can't be everyones mate. Especially if that mate aint finding you deer :)
He might be getting a bit old now? 8y? but he definitely knows what deer smells like, smelt seen enough times and fed bones.
Our last family trip stopped at spot x for a piss leg stretch etc(read quick look for sign) and he was winding hard out for a minute went for a look and not 20m off the road was a pile of still warm shit and some prints that said I'm outta here!:D
Soft c**t... actually not at all, I understand that. i feel guilty when I take a young dog out and leave my main dog at home. They act all hyped like they know exactly what is happening.. but they don;t really.. they're just dogs and will settle down and go to sleep about 2 seconds after you get out the gate.
They might be pot lickers but until you really give them a shot, you may never know, you might be sitting on gold.
This is my Mutt. Half Dalmation Half Lab. He showed plenty of promise when young. He found a wounded deer at 8 months old that it didn't even think that I'd hit. I didn't have the skills to develop him so he never got much better. Now I don't take him much as he can't sit still and always whines.
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I like the look of him, unusual to say the least!
A real penthouse pose of my bros bitch:omg:
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Dude, let me in the house man, its cold out here.
Cruise in standard bossy complaint mode. :)
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Holyshitjesus Rushy, that's one big couch warmer!
Here's my wee man. Jet, 22month GSD x Doberman. I call him a "party-sized" Shepherd (after those mini party-sized chocolate you can buy in NZ) as he's only coming in at around 24kg. Just small enough that I can lift him up over shit he can't climb....which actually has never happened yet. With a tail like his, he can climb trees, jump rivers, all that jazz.... ;)
Oh and some bugger down at the park decided it was a good idea to smash some glass bottles in the long grass two days ago - Jet is pretty unimpressed as am I, he's nursing a deep cut to a pad on his front foot.
Yeh Dougie he was 75 Kilos at the vets the other day. He is my wife's dog really. One word from me and he does what he wants but if she says jump, he asks how high and when can I com down.
Haha, I love it Rushy! Jet's a bit like that with me and my other half. Jet will get around to what hubby says, but in his own time!
Our landlord thinks he's a police dog... :roll: (he'd be pretty shit, he's tiny compared to the dogs at work!! Although he does enjoy the elevator at the cop shop and all the cuddles he gets from everyone haha.)
Man that looks like ted, my lab x GWP. Pointer
Fark that cracked me Eeebees heres a mug shot of Jess on the last day.
What a face...it is the end of the season and there is always that thought...couldve we done more...:D:D:D
This is my crazy GSP Bella. She is a little over 10 months now and keeps me on my toes all the time:
any one have a britany dog
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