@Pointer nice dog
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@Pointer nice dog
Jolie, 5 months old
finally got one I like.
Hairy Maclary ?
bella, one of the new lot.
Attachment 29395
awwww ...why the long face
Some quail work from few weeks ago. I thought I had it posted up already, couldn't find it tho so here it is...
Attachment 29744
The old bitch carries her toy to work:D
Attachment 29747
Attachment 29748
My young bitch coming in with a duck.
The duck seems to have given up Scribe and the look in the bitch's eyes says "don't even think of taking this from me".
Attachment 29753 busta with some pheasants after a days shoot.gun AYA no.2 12ga.
Attachment 29754 busta with a hard won bird in marlborough.gun benelli ultralight 20 ga.
Hi Rushy, the look on the bitches face is 'what the hell' Instead of giving us the duck she had to freeze in one spot for a photograph.
This is the bitch I was saying earlier will drop the dead duck to catch a woundy and then go back and pick up the dead one and bring them in two at a time. She is a tireless worker sitting under a piece of flax on the far side of the pond all day. She has figured out that this is the place closest to where the majority of the ducks fall and she can beat the other dogs to them.
Baz, 7.5 months
my interpretaton is''if you stopped fucking around with that thing stuck to you face maybe you could take this bird ive humped over half the countryside ??Quote:
The duck seems to have given up Scribe and the look in the bitch's eyes says "don't even think of taking this from me".
of all the buggers i could of got stuck with for a boss i get this clown:pissed off::Doh well dinnertime soon and if he chucks me another dryed up tux i,l have the sods throat:D
brittanies are just to cute for wordsQuote:
marlborough.gun benelli ultralight 20 ga.
I think from the look on her face when we stopped her for the photo, she was a bit shocked. To her, momentarily, it appeared that we did not want the duck she had brought back from away out in the willows.
Dogs when you know them are able to express their feeling quite well in different ways.
Attachment 29815Attachment 29815 forgive me iif this is overkill.yes its busta with some more quail,(our favourite). my gun here is a 20 ga rizzini.i fell in love with the wood and had to have it.took him out last weekend on a swan cull 90 + birds, plus a few canadas.all a bit too big for him to retreive.can't say i blame him,its hard work dragging those carcases.
nice pic's
EeeBees will like that.
Great photos of Gun, Dog and Quail its almost an English scene. Where were the photos taken.
Attachment 29839 scribe,the busta picture was taken in a coastal area just north of christchurch.thats an old bit of lupin the gun is resting on.in the above picture, that is one of my bitch delta.the gun is a 16 ga hammer (belguim) made in 1883. its BP. but i shoot 7/8 oz loads NP.it only gets 1 or two outings,as it is in pristine original condition, and i intend to keep it that way.
I bought a young huntaway once, called Spud. When I asked the Maori mate I bought him off why he called him Spud, he said "shit man, have you ever tried to shout out "get in behind fucking potatoe" with loose false teeth, and when you are fucking furious?" :)
One of my great hard case memories. Thanks Bob.
Attachment 29848 scribe,to answer your question,yes the barrels are damascus,and they have a beautiful pattern,not evident in this photo,but next time i haul it out from the back of the safe,i will take some more photos.the barrels are the original browning,this gun apart from a couple of safe marks over the years looks in as new condition which is remarkable. petros i have never weighed the gun,but i would think it is around the 6 1/2 lb mark.it is beautifully balanced. i do have an older gun,a greener hammer 12ga made in 1877 which i shoot more with.i took this on our annual pheasant drive.i like to bring the old guns out, if just to get a rise from the extended mag crew. anyway there was this pheasant,a high one that flew parallel to the guns,flighting over a stand of trees on on a bank.on he came past 5 guns,untouched, until the greener where he folded on report.a large cheer went up. it was my finest moment with that gun.i tell that story not to give the impression i am an extrordinary shot,(which i am not),but to give hope to many,like myself who spur themselves on with the thought,with only a few more opportunities i'll master that shot.every dog has its day! the barrels on the greener are steel,its been well shot over the years,so it is worn.i shoot it as is using falcon 4's and 7's 28gm 2 1/2 inch cartridges. i've added the photo as this was busta at 10 months on the molesworth shoot last year.we are off again next week.it'll be laydown blinds for two day/nights, then walking all the gully's for nester's,which is exciting shooting and challenging.busta is good at climbing the hills to locate and finding the odd hare or hedgehog.but we leave the big bird retreiving to the bigger boys.