It's a dog's life
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It's a dog's life
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Cheers KJ, they look very impressive in the solid colour:cool:
finally a way to slow a Brit down!
Must have a americian ancestory otherwise be onto the red wine :)
Its her favourite cause it has a bird on the bottle, Tui is the finest beer in the country asides from my home brew of course
Attachment 32093a trio of brittanys with graeme c. "blackie", an aussie imported bitch,sired by "edam", and littermates busta and cassie,sired by a french-bred sire, "doc".some more world-class working bloodlines are on the way to n.z.
I’ve loved this breed right since I was a teenager. I decided to get one about 45 years ago but the only breeder I could find was someone in the Manawatu with a very closely bred line. Their hind pasterns were so low that their arses were nearly dragging on the ground, so I gave them a miss, and bought a GSP.
Its great seeing lots of interest in them now and new blood lines being imported.
I will get one in my next life. because I’m coming back as a game-keeper. :)
@Woody chuck up a photo of your dog mate, biggest wire hair I've ever seen.
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Attachment 32246Attachment 32247
Old dog and young dog. Sadly, old dog has now passed on to his happy hunting grounds. he was accorded full honours and had deer, big rooster , a duck and rabbit to see him into the afterlife.
some hairy hairies there, got any gunwhip in the line.
Nup; but the lines are excellent if their performance is anything to go by over their lifetimes. It's always been a two way street. I teach them and I let them teach me. Each weighs in at between 32-35 kg working weight. Powerful and able to withstand extreme weather when goose hunting and NEVER to quit.
so HUGE but great nature. That young dog of yours had me thinking of a wire for my next poocher...I loved how he managed to be a 'small dog' under the table. What a sweet I could just ride him home from a hunt if I got tired!!!
Wires are typically heavier than the GSP?
They're bloody handy on a strong lead when your faced with a steep uphill climb. They just love to pull and are becoming real popular as sled dogs, quite apart from their hunting abilities.
i think the old dog is telling young dog to keep his distance from the pheasants. or is that just a hint of a roman nose? excellent photos.
Old dog was nearest trailer. He just bowls over young dog with a shoulder when he's had enough of young dogs stroppiness. Young dog is really missing his old mate and mentor at the moment. Me too. Kept a mental dairy of old dog and he got my family over two tones of venison, pork and birds in his lifetime, quite apart from being a major family member, clown and character.
Fern pointing quail
Attachment 32371
Jake waiting for more xmas ham fat
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My jack russel , she retrieves as good as most spaniels
Really nice pic @GSP , How is the old boy doing?
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that ginger "old boy"?
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His points are not as stylish.
Wots not to like about a workin dog workin?
My mutt fell asleep at the river tonight while I was pissing around changing lures:)
Attachment 32480
Bout a 2 metre drop there.
Mans best friend :)
My poor dog
Nine days camping takes it's toll. One sleeping BC so the kids took advantage
Attachment 32662
Sent from my workbench
Ten months old on Christmas Eve...
Not mine, but awesome workers. .
Horribly hot Haka, after wackin wals walk
Attachment 32691. .