Bout What?
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Sorry Ruff, 7mmwsm said in reply to SeanDundee's enquiry regarding if anyone had a Brittany and 7mmwsm said he did!
Thank you for your reply, 7mmwsm...I so enjoy reading or hearing of Brits...they are courageous little dogs! Hopefully he and the puppy are getting along well!
Yes, it would be great to see a movie clip of it. .
Staunch looking animal.
Black gsp ? Can you give me a run down on them . I'm told they are a cross ? English pointer . Don't take offense ,I'm truly interested, they could be purple !as far as I'm cocernered as long as they hunt ,point and retrieve
That's essentially correct but the cross took place over 100 years ago.
Almost Heaven GSP's - The Black GSP-History and Origin
Looks like Quinns' getting a work out this season :) nice pics
Attachment 2180
Jess the dog of the pack
Aw Jess, bless her haha. Poor thing. She looks less than impressed.
kids for ya trust me she didn't carry the trapping gear:)
Sid the Red Dog at 6 mths and Murphy the Goldie at 6 years and 38 kg.
Wow, Mal, Sid is very handsome!!!
Yeah hes alright, just lost his baby teeth this week and hunting not to bad but it is all easy easy.
Not really. The most common thing you hear is that the black dogs have better noses but I'm not sure if that's true or not. There is such a thing as linked genes but what genes are linked with which isn't known.
In certain populations there are some generalizations you can make like in the US black isn't allowed in the show ring so if you see a black dog there it is bred to hunt. In NZ the black dogs until recently all traced back to one particular black dog imported from Oz. More recent imports make the generalizations in NZ less accurate.
A cool dog:cool:
Nice one Dundee, Jess is quite the style icon.
This was taken a few days ago, yay for sun in Wellington! Evans bay in the background. This happy pooch had just finished some bite training.
my English Setter INTI
Happy dog much there El Borracho?? Gorgeous coat. When I was a kid we had and english setter named "Oreo".
he's a good boy but has a little attitude--i want to breed him if anyone has a bitch
Some bloody nice dogs there.Hey Dougie is Jet being trained too take down baddies?
How long until he is out of jail going by the pics?
As soon as you get him up here :cool:
Wow RGSP that black dog of yours is absolutely stunning!
Dundee Jet needs something to do, a job if you like. He's too smart for his own good. So I've been teaching him a bit with a home made bite sleeve. We had a little search today actually! He doesn't bark apart from for SAR stuff and he raised the alarm to me thisarvo so off for a quick track down the road!!! We got about a block away with nose down tail up and some guy hopped into a car and sped away. That dude couldn't have been up to much good I reckon.
He's caught a baddy before when we were in the company of police (Jet grumbled and growled at this random passer-by, Police thought they'd better have a chat to the guy. He was arrested for something, breach of bail or similar).
I think it's a Shepherd thing eh. I wonder if he has gay-dar... ;)
I don't doubt it, he sounds amazing :XD: