Barefoot he is of the genus Howick Houndus. Has latte running through his veins
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Attachment 11900 Hope this works. This is Eddie, my gun dog in training. Needs A LOT more training tho
tried twice and it has been upside down both times. Dont know why. Even in a photo the bloody thing doesnt behave.
I have 2 from the genus "Canis Poo" they are magnetically attracted to anything smelly. Will blow blow thru a rotting sheep carcass like its not even there. I could be interested in swaping them for a dog from Genis Numbty, better a wet dog in the car than trying to drive holding your breath for 50k!!!:yaeh am not durnk:
My dog was eating possum crap, guess he thought it was chocolate, wouldnt touch the deer shit though guess he doesn't like Hershey's kisses
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Fixed :)
Attachment 11912
thanks Gibo. :thumbsup:
The dogs are looking a bit depressed tonight, I was sitting on a ridge today and they were hot on the trail of a goat below in the pines. That is normally my que to start heading down to finish it off, but then I saw Cruze burst out into the cutover at full steam chasing the now invisible goat. Damned if I know where it went and neither do the dogs. Its rare for one to get away from them when they are that close. Relevance you ask? One of my dogs is 10yrs as well, she may have slowed down but the nose and the keenness is still there.
Yep, they never stop loving it even after their body slows aye?
I wonder what it might have been like if I had had my dog a bit later and had been into hunting them, I'm sure he'd be a bit more worn haha too much pampering and lying in the sun has my boy in as good a shape as he has even been. We dodged the arthritis that is pretty common in his breed and for that I'm glad.
Do all dogs have brown eyes? Not ass holes I mean eyes