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This legitimately made me laugh. :thumbsup:
Charu is her name. Mother was 50/50 lab blue heeler. Father was ? Greyhound something a rather. Very soft nature like a lab. Awesome on the ducks and doesn't cost me any deer in the bush either. Best mates for coming up 9 years.
Heres my springer ellie, she carries the typical spaniel trait of being a nutter. Can certainly make stalking challenging but we seem to learn quite a few things off each other
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he knew the dear were there long before i did,pity i missedAttachment 47196
2 peas in a pod
Attachment 47262
This is my English Saffordshire Terrier, Knox, even the cows think hes a bit strange. His hunting career has consisted of the time when we took him out with my mates pig dogs and he taught them all to bark at a possum up a tree and made us come running over some pretty nasty terrain from the next catchment for nothing (well, unless you count the possum as a win..), and the time when he actually caught a hare... bugger me how he managed it as he tries to catch them all the time but he runs out of puff way too fast, even he kind of looked shocked at the fact he caught it as it made a fatal wrong-turn. Other than that hes a stay at home with mum dog, as even resting he snorts and pants and makes all sorts of noises that Saffys seem to do.
Well my hound, a female Blue Healer named Skye has become a bit too humanised.....
This is her last year when I picked her out of the litter.
Attachment 47553
And after a year of tough, intensive training...
Attachment 47554
Some mean hunting dog aye :XD:
That's a cool photo, She looks like she owns that couch.
Awesome pic.
What a laugh that pic is @Mathias :cool:
Yeah she can be a bit of a character alright and bloody mischievous too....
On the hunting side, she has an awesome nose and can track anything but she hates loud noises, i.e. rifle shots :oh noes: However I can pick up the rifle anytime and she doesn't care less until it goes bang, then she retreats a safe distance and waits until I call her back, so not all bad I guess.
12 yo black lab retrieving the goods tonight
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Our 6.5mth old lab :)
Attachment 47610
Nice pup.
This my ghound gus hes an egg good for winter bush walking not so good at summer goat hunting as hes to bloody noisy
Big dog has the sulks as the boss has gone away again.
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Don't they know where their bread is buttered, watched Mack my 15 week old lab nose down tracking my little wife where she had been gardening around our property on Saturday finally caught up with her inside the house :ORLY: He soon got a short shift outside dogs only.
Attachment 47624
Howe du Clos de Faisan, AKA Le Porc Sportif, A.K.A. le Pig. Epagneul Breton
Another day at the office
This one's called Howie. He's a bird finding machine, just don't tell him that. His heads big enough already
Yep. He's the man, and he knows it.
Attachment 47674
5 Month Old Breton I am trying to convince he is NOT the man! :D
Come on guys more Breton photos
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Litter brother of my bitch's dam, after grouse in England...
Attachment 47677
Attachment 47678
You asked for it
Penny getting ready for the roar!
Only problem she doesn't know which team she meant to be on
Full brother, different litter to Howie, attending the Club l'Epagneul Breton of Victoria, Australia, trial in 2012 with his master...the quarry were stubble quail, which unlike our wild game trials the bird is shot...
Attachment 47679
Got a pic of Haby?
Sorry, you will have had enough of these...dam of my older bitch...
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A full sister, different litter to Howie, at her first trial in Victoria, Australia
Attachment 47742
"Molly" my parents beadie, they are getting soft in their older age, she pretty much had her own couch inside :D, sadly no long with us.
Attachment 47848
Bird Away!
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Attachment 47860
One of my favorite dog photos I have taken