The training is getting him excited Bonecrusher. He has his dip stick at the ready.
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Mother and Son this morning.
Attachment 60093
Attachment 60871
Taya. Pure GSP from Taupo, 13 weeks old, been out once for a acclimatisation bush walk and showing heaps of promise, she even indicated a deer(not by point but by going to have a look for it). Great little bitch.
Be great if your photo's would turn themselves into upright viewing:)
My Neck.
Wife always tells me I'm a weirdo because this is my best friend, she just doesn't get it.
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Tis baby bird season...
That is awesome!
Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
Vertical pointing
Sent from my SM-G900I using Tapatalk
The old girl chalks up another one.
Attachment 62564
New Deutsch Drahthaar pup Jet one of Jase's @kawhia pups going really well so far very chilled for a 9 week old pup very different to my last GSP doing his best to stay cool in this heat so no active shots sorry haha :D
Attachment 63253
Attachment 63254
Attachment 63255
Attachment 63256
A bit of a retrieveing fail for my mate Gus he got a bit snagged
Here da vid
Attachment 63862
A bit of water up da nosie
Ha ha ha ha classic fail.
Poor old girl is a bit tired after hunting last night.
Attachment 64291
Photo's of ya dog....Which dog? Had a count up and there's 22 around the place atm. :D:D:D:D:D
Chasing rats in the woodpile.
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Good day out last year, hopefully a bit of the same this year.
Attachment 65074
Spewy Tui....who tagged along for the first couple of times we went out until I took the silencer off and she just about shat herself,and now refuses to get out of the car when i go out (oh the joys of owning a rescue dog ha)
Attachment 66276
Bet that dog finds every patch of mud around...
Oh yes...she also enjoys rolling around in animal crap.
Attachment 69558
Meet Gus :)
FYI The attachment doesn't work for me Pointer"
What flavour is Gus @Pointer . Curley coat ? water spaniel ?
Very close with those two guesses Munsey :)
Can you see it now @Rushy?
Yep it's a curly bugger. Is that a liver chestnut colour?
Looking forward to reading of Gus' adventures ... :)