It's one of bigbears pups he was selling on the forum. 3/8 lab, 3/8 pointer, 2/8 heading dog. She definitely has the lab food drive, and does point a bit already.
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Ahh soo cute :D
I'm trying to decide on a new dog at the moment, just don't know what to get.
A group i'm in have a photo scavenger hunt. Someone Issues a challenge and you have to take a photo and issue your challenge with your photo. The idea is also to get new photos, so you shouldnt post an older photo if it matches the challenge.
This was for an alibi, you needed to show a time, place and date. So we have clock tower and a news paper.
Attachment 109846
Attachment 109847
And a couple of photos of her being silly.
Attachment 109848
Attachment 109849
Ivy stood on a branch. Required 2 rounds of surgery's on her foot to remove all the bark as it wouldn't show up on X-rays.
I now see a Vx5 and change wrapped around her foot. Always when you can least afford it too.
It was a painful 4 weeks recovery time, she is not a dog that likes to relax. She would much rather be out and about doing things.
Attachment 109850
Attachment 109851
Attachment 109860
Jed on Sunday with our first roaring stag . He's not used to smelly old rutted up Stags and he was a bit nervous when it was coming in. Giving low growl. Thought he was going to fuck it for us. Hopefully now he knows what they are, the growling will stop.
Poor girl looks very sorry for herself. Hope she heals up well.
Of course Jed was growling, you never gave him a rifle to defend himself from that big nasty critter :)
mauser is now 5 months and 26kgAttachment 111484
and sideways
Oi dad! where's the bloody bone!
Attachment 111493
Attachment 111802 Attachment 111803 Attachment 111804 Attachment 111806
Meet Finn. He's my first dog. Lab x Gsp, bought from a family in Galatea. If anyone has a litter mate of his flick me a message as I'd be quite keen to hear about them/see photos!
At 1.5 years old his tally is sitting at 12 public land deer and somewhere in the neighbourhood of 100 goats off a mix of public and private. It's been a ton of fun.
haha not too mention a chip bag :)
I love his blue blaze :thumbsup:
One of the many pluses of hunting with a dog, you have a mobile food disposal unit following you around.
Attachment 111872
This is my Brittany retrieving a Canada on opening weekend. He is a rehome dog and it was our 1st opener on ducks and ponds and geese..... usually I stick to pheasant and quail.
But this definitely wasnt Charlies first rodeo.
This is Abby. Lots of fun but completely useless for human assisted hunting. Lucky thats not what her job is
Attachment 111950
Is that a smelly mutt (little play on words)? If it is then those fuckers need to be kept entertained as if the get bored they will find something to do (like eat your house).
Nice girl :)
I think you've got it wrong, she thinks it's you who are supposed to help her hunt
Believe it or not i have chickens down the back behind a 8ft fence. So far only one has perished. It decided life would be more interesting if it flew over said fence and landed between two bored huskies. Funny enough they ate the skin and feathers, left me an almost perfect "inghams no 12" just sitting there! Wife found all this pretty unfunny.....
Classic :)
My Rottie girl chomped one of the neighbours' suicidal chickens that came over the fence and few years back. He couldn't complain since I had given him the chickens, and like Ikiris, it flew too close to the sun and got it's wings melted.
Hey @buzzman, see what putting puppies in front of the fireplace does :P
The fucking retard can't even sit like a "normal" dog :D
Attachment 113188
haha hard case
Just like people there is no such thing as "normal" :D
Although to be fair I know that look in his eyes. It's the "why are you making me do this" look :)
Poor little bugger ended up with a seed lodged way down his ear canal on Saturday after jumping into a wheat crop?
God knows how it got all the way down there. But the vet managed to get it out under lite sedation:thumbsup:
So Sunday morning he gets a treat:wtfsmilie:
Attachment 113203
Geez my dog would be cheap to feed if I fed him socks :)
Glad he got the seed out
@Cigar here is her sister
Attachment 113262
mother and daughter
Attachment 113263
I have hunting spot thats a long walk at the best of times. Over winter they close the road and its an extra 5km walk each way. One winter they kept the gate closed for an extra month. I was already there so decided to start walking. This is what my dog thought of it.
Attachment 115722
And basically the only way to have Malinois drop dead tired. Even then a hour rest and they are good to go again.
Attachment 115723
Attachment 115724
Attachment 115725
Attachment 115726
Looks like a sweet camping spot
Here they come dad... Get down!
Where are they going? I thought they were supposed to fall down?
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@R93 classic pics Dave
On the Possum run
Retired (or just tired) Trap line now
Bag full of Pine Cones - not Fur unfortunately
Attachment 115745
[QUOTE=ebf;848510]Hey @buzzman, see what putting puppies in front of the fireplace does :P
The fucking retard can't even sit like a "normal" dog :D
That's a crack up
Reminds of a Angus Bull I had - it sat exactly the same way
Attachment 115760Attachment 115761
Our Scottish Working Cocker Spaniels in the great NZ
@R93 this is a great photo
Attachment 115829
If only you could read his speech bubbles :thumbsup:
Where’s all the birds gone? Why aren’t there any birds? And when there are he can’t even hit them:XD:;)
Mia, waiting to go ...
Attachment 116991
Attachment 109595
Cool foto, @Sideshow ...
Attachment 120839
Bo, english bull terrier X dogo argentina.
at 11 1/2 years old can still chase down a rabbit. and when those jaws clamp down resistance is futile. he can actually snap a canon bone in 1/2