Still hard antler. Was just a little fella so probably a bit late dropping.
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Still hard antler. Was just a little fella so probably a bit late dropping.
Attachment 124304
Attachment 124365
Tui, a four year old English Springer Spaniel, very keen, getting better at indicating deer. Prefers pheasants which are his main job.
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So cute :D
Wuppy does not look happy being told to stay there for a pic :ORLY:
mauser was 1 this week Attachment 125161
Wasn't quick enough to catch it, but my mutt was literally bouncing on the tramp on his own. It was hilarious.
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must be part Springer aye :)
Hes an american bulldogxsharpei musclier than his owner loves possum shooting and seems to point sometimes as well not sure what at tho
We are now a 3 dog house :D
2 old ones and now Izzy. Pity they never stay this wee for long
Attachment 125557
A truely wonderful moment between you both
Took Rusty out for his first hunt a few weeks ago. Def keen on that deer scent! No luck but good to see him put the training into actual practice!
Need to get my hands on some skin to get him scenting that. If anyone manages to get a stag and wants to share, please let me know.
Attachment 126375Attachment 126376Attachment 126371
That fella has some mighty ears :)
He looks like he's not too impressed with the idea of going up those hills in that first pic :) Or maybe it was more of a "why did you make me stop running around just for a pic"
Dog looks anxiously down driveway...
For fucks sake Dad, I've been ready for three days, what's keeping you?! We gotta go. Jeez. You're worse than her.
Two Staffys are ready for their holiday, time to go chase shit.
Attachment 126693
On our holidays, we were tied up a lot. Otherwise... allegedly... we might give in to temptation...
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my mutesAttachment 128143
lola in her element 10 yrs old starting to feel her age but still happy
Attachment 128542
We had really started getting on well now after 2 years together and then.
Those bits of bone on the deck are all that is left of a snapper head I had boiled clean twice, picked everything off it and out of it....totally clean. Then it had been soaked in peroxide and the sun twice so it was white as can be,clean as a whistle and only smelled like a hairdressers salon if at all.
Left it on the table outside for a couple of hours while I went to physio and its gone..... little bitch!
Attachment 128666
haha ah the old bored dog trick :)
It's amazing what they find fun to chew, when they are thinking up their next escapade :D
Are the german Sheppards any good as duck dogs ?
Don’t have the natural retriever instinct
They’re smart enough for you to train it, but basically you’re making them something they’re not.
Mines good in the bush, if I was looking at a duckdog, I’d be looking at one of the retrievers.
Attachment 130015
@anothermous good to see more than one gsd out there. Mines kiwi trained but still a bit full on. Will get there though
Slave my little jack russel cross on the job 9 months old
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them jack russels got balls ....... or dont realise they been removed.....
Attachment 130464
cleo having a selfie (probably in poor taste but she didnt care)
I found it dad!
Attachment 130478
My big idiot German Shepherd on Saturday.
@cameronjackwhite Gorgeous. Mine's mostly acting like an idiot as it's just a pet with no special training, but it's good exercise for us both so fun nonetheless:))
Puppies eh who would have thought this might happen
Attachment 130535
Attachment 130555