@Flyblown - Yep awesome dogs
But I thought Pit Bulls were the Nanny Dog ?
I had one & you couldn't of got a more intelligent & tolerant dog than that Boy .
Fetch Rabbits, retrieve Pheasants, hold Boars & track Deer, bloody amazing !
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@Flyblown - Yep awesome dogs
But I thought Pit Bulls were the Nanny Dog ?
I had one & you couldn't of got a more intelligent & tolerant dog than that Boy .
Fetch Rabbits, retrieve Pheasants, hold Boars & track Deer, bloody amazing !
Well, the Nanny Dog is a phrase that comes from the early days when the little Staffords lived in small terraced houses with 3 or 4 generations of the same family in tight conditions. It’s written up in the Staffordshire Bull Terrier history books, but that’s not to say that other breeds don’t have a right to the same nickname! We’ve also had some experience with proper Pit Bulls that were fantastic caring cuddle dogs, very dedicated to sticking with those that needed the company.
Nice Staffies Flyblown :) they look like they are on their best behaviour :yaeh am not durnk:
You know they are getting on a bit when they get a bit of grey on the chin aye. It's actually getting a bit harder to find Staffies these days. Not as common as they were 20ish years ago. They are such happy little critters.
Yup @rugerman, older than me now if you subscribe to the 7-for-1 ageing of dogs.
Had to laugh when you said “such happy little critters”.
They are indeed, happy wee dogs, who will happily keep our bed warm all day. But they are never happier than when they are killing their next snack. And therein lies the challenge with the Tuff-As-Terrier.
When we are on the hill country farm, it’s a hard ask to stop these two chasing pigs. Problem is the pigs have a habit of turning round and turning muppet pet dogs inside out... Not a good look for me. Hey wife, look what that horrid pig did to your dog... So I would like to personally thank the guy that invented electric dog training collars, for collars teach dogs very quickly.
Hey Staffy - see those oinking kunekune pigs, they’ve got magic powers and so have all their mates up the hill, go anywhere near them and you are going to levitate 3 feet in the air and feel like Zeus himself smoked your ass!
After that, pigs are a lot less attractive for general sporting purposes. Gotta love training collars. You can most definitely teach an old dog new tricks.
My deer dog Polly,she’s done the blueprint and have taken 6 deer with her now.Just did a day in the kaimanawas with her,saw 3 but they had the jump on us,Bush is so dry and noisy.She Found a one antlered sika stag carcass which was pretty cool.Attachment 157307
I love doing this.
Cooking up a year's worth of offal for dog food - all those tongues, livers, kidneys and hearts - an activity relegated to the garage by Her Majesty. Last time I did this in the house, I got in a lot of trouble.
This is the bit I love about it - placing two pieces of fresh heart on the edge of the table and seeing which dog has the cahoonas to try and take it off, after being sternly instructed not to.
I've come inside now, and I'll take a quick pause to ask my son to check if they are still there staring at the meat ....quick pause.... yup still there.
This can go on for hours. What a way to spend your day.
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new pup, four months, johnson type american bulldog.
Shit he's a big bugger for 4 months Bully :) cute
Do you have to watch his pink bits in the sun
my last dog was all white, I'd say more pink. I used to do sun screen etc, but now I just don't go out in the heat of the day for long. its not good exercising when its hot out anyway. funny story... yes and no, ... my last dog had a good set of nuts... used to get sun burnt nuts! walking at the beach. the beach is like a desert mid day in summer, so just avoid it now. this dog is just a pet. I will let him hunt rabbits and burglars but thats about it.
Yowchy burnt beans sounds a bit on the tender side :O_O: Yeah good idea about the heat of the day mate. With my Rotties of course they are black so really attracted the heat. I used to take them out either early morning or late arvo when I went to the beach. I know someone with a white horse and they either put sunscreen on his nose, or a little bit of cloth over the top of the houlter to cover the nose in Summer.
makes sense with the horse I suppose, can't really put them inside or force them into shade as much.
yes, morning or evening is good, less people too if going to a beach, well probably less dogs, you get fisherman in those times. depends on the beach i suppose. at the moment we aren't going too far, waiting for the last of his jabs. this will be the biggest dog iv had. I thought about a rotti, but seem to be drawn to bull breeds, and the long tail thing doesn't look quite right on some breeds that used to be short tail. such is life.
lol with a handle like Bully you've kind of painted yaself into a corner mate :) bit like mine, got more non Rugers than Rugers now :)
Yeah I must say Rotties do look a bit weird with tails, but I am kind of against chopping things off just for fashion so could get used to it pretty quick.
If I get another Rottie he will have a tail. Every breed have their genetic weaknesses. Bit of a shame really but then the last dog I had was a Huntaway which should have been pretty hardy since they are NZ bred. Nope, diabetes complicated things a bit for the last 3 years of his life.
I hope the little fella ( or not so little for long) goes well :)
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Sister in laws pup but will be able to use him for duck shooting this year hopefully..lab/springer cross,great natured pup.
Katie the deer dog is not impressed.
I predict sore arms up ahead...sore from all the throwing things to be retrieved..... go hard,you will get tired before pup will give up.... delivery to hand vital,have at it.... not too long till D-DAY and water is holding ok...for now....NO LOCKDOWN will be much useful...if minister of hugs n sad faces stops waffling and tells us whats what...we may know .
Yep have already laid down the law with the nephew and niece about chasing him when he is carrying something or pulling sfuff from his mouth ..at the moment he brings tennis ball straight to hand with a really soft mouth and loves the water,loud noises don’t bother him as well..
he's a little cutie :) that is one suspicious old dog there. Definitely worried the new upstart will be trouble :D
In my experience the old dog is not too happy about the unpredictable running around from the youngster and often tries to tell the new one to "settle down" :)
Its only a matter of time. Son caught a rabbit six months ago and raised it and now it runs free around the lawn, chook run around the paddocks around our house
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lol that is one risky bunny and ya dog is not a happy bunny at all :)
Just cleaning out my photos from my phone.
Christmas was very hard on ruby, I started seeing how many items i could stack on her haha.
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You have heard of double chin. What about chin flaps?
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Got this new addition last week to the pack to make three - will be interesting for sure.
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Bit off topic.
But my Dad lost his lab 2 days ago. He’s by himself so it was a companion as well as a hunting buddy.
Anyone know of any litters going around the Waikato BOP areas?
He would like a dog. Black if possible.
Pm me if you do cheers
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You’re eating a biscuit ?
Gosh I wish i had the lifestyle, time, and land for a good hunting dog. Would probably go for a wirehair pointer. All of your dogs are beautiful. Ive just got these useless noisy feathery things. Can't even use them for falconry. At least one of them appreciates the game I bring home.
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If you could train it to bark you would be half way there Jessica :)
Two years old today. After an unsuccessful but enjoyable hunt yesterday we took her down to the river this morning for some R&R. @bigbear
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We thought we better check he still had a pulse ... Turns out he did...
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lol that is one relaxed pooch FTX :)
Contrasting nicely with Cigars kamikaze girl going full bore into the drink :)
I'm sure that was either the calm before or after the storm FTX :)
more like the eye of the storm rugerman , full blown before and after ......
Dear old Tilly resting up the day after her cancer op. 2 tumours removed from her breast. Vet said they seemed well contained. Fingers crossed. I love her to bits.
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Aw man, best of luck for you and Tilly Tahr. Lots of yummy treats are in order I think :)