Bernie(left)Attachment 161088 and Poppy.
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Bernie(left)Attachment 161088 and Poppy.
I cried like a baby when our cat of 14 yrs died in my arms a few months back . Yes , a cat FFS .
Still a much loved and loving family member .
I feel for you guys and hope all goes well with Tilly @Tahr and she makes a full recovery from the op and gives you a few more years of companionship .
That Tilly is a neat looking dog alright. Hopefully a few more kms in her yet @Tahr
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Holly helping out. She wants to go everywhere!
Attachment 161098
Attachment 161099
Attachment 161100
Love her little orange jacket, sure makes her stand out from the crowd :)
Best of luck Tahr and Tilly.
You’re like the dynamic duo.
Im in Auckland working for the week. Wife sent me this pic tonight of Tilly recovered and sitting at the back door - waiting for me to appear she said.
Attachment 161135
Which part of the big smoke are you in Tahr?
Looks as if Remmy is dreaming about girls.. Hes looking great looks so much bigger since the last time we saw him.
Building a deck, my supervisor is a lazy bastard.
Attachment 162357
Is it smoko time yet mate?
Attachment 162358
Yep , he sure is @Mohawk660 . He has been averaging a kilo a week weight gain . Had his last lot of jabs yesterday so we can now all have a taste of freedom in the weekend . But as you can see he's taking in his stride....
Attachment 162364
He is at 12 kilos weight now .... must be because of those burger's he's been chewing on....:)
And a rare moment when he's sitting patiently waiting... for his breakfast this morning...Attachment 162367
lol he sure has his "innocent" face sorted aye :)
Attachment 162626
no not practicing stealthy hunting.......
apparently this is the best thing to do after a bath
Not my dog my brothers from a few weeks ago
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that's a great photo...
This is Louie he has just turned 2, weights 35kg and loves water. Only taken him deer hunting a couple of time so far.
Picture in river when he was 12 months old.
Attachment 163982Attachment 163983
He's a solid looking boy :)
lol was he doing a bit of trout fishing too :)
Yes he is built like a Bulldozer, loves tug of war and wont let go. Has a beautiful nature and eats stuff all. In fact the vet reckons we got ripped off as he eats so little not your typical lab when it comes to food.
Attachment 163990
lol with his look in that pic I would say he's not eating much as he's holding out for caviare and crayfish :)
It looks like he thinks he should be wearing a crown :D
Ya definitely lucky with him not eating much, I would say he might cost a bit if he decides to start eating the furniture :)
Attachment 164231
Skye, at 6000' in tahr country.
Rudi, my indicating bitch with a couple of recents
Attachment 164263Attachment 164261
We took Remmy for his first bush walk yesterday on a private block out looking for deer .
We saw wild sheep , goats , mum pig and piglets , hares and hedgehog . No deer .
When I say 'we' I don't mean Remmy.....
He was loving it but it wasn't until the 4th weka damn near bit him on the arse that he realised we weren't alone and decided to point ....
Attachment 164426
But it was a big day for the lad and he had his nose to the ground the whole time , when he wasn't digging holes or chewing sticks and was knackered after such a long day walking with all the new smells to sniff but all in all did really well in such a new environment and around 8 kms walked . And he seemed to enjoy the view at the top....
Attachment 164427
I think given time he will do well @Mohawk660
My boy, 9weeks old today - got him home yesterday - Quinn
Attachment 164552
So Cute :)
Last month.Attachment 165395
Next month. Attachment 165397
:) Thor.
Our boy Remmy last weekend after a 5 hr walk , contemplating how to get to that pesky fantail on the other side of the river.....
Attachment 168349
And a crappy pic from today's bush walk , with the "what's the holdup , c'mon!" look going on ...
Attachment 168350
Now around 51/2 ish months I think and just over 20 kg of limitless energy...
I hope you know what you are getting yourself into @Shadowsol... Lol
And incidentally he has sniffed out 2 goats and a pig in 3 of our walks but unfortunately haven't been able to knock any of them over so hopefully will soon so he knows why we're out there ....
Good to hear he is going well.
I love his harness
As promised, @stingray... meet Sacha. 3/4 lab, 1/4 vizsla. Joined our family today and has settled in really well. Gonna be one super doted-on pooch
Attachment 169664
Attachment 169665
So cute :D
super cute.....that should be an interesting cross...hopefully the hyperness of visla will be tempered by the slobberadore .... and the short no malt coat of the visla counter the permanent hair shedding of the lab....
The nose of a Pointer with the stomach of a labradoor...........................a match made in heaven,
Cute pup, I hope you have a long and happy time together, from experience the years will fly by
Hopefully, @Micky Duck. This our first ever dog, so we needed something a little more chilled out.
Yes, @mikee - might get her into trouble more than once! Now, about that pet insurance...
My wife found the 'portrait' setting on her camera. Last one for a while, I promise :ORLY:
Attachment 169737