Too right Mikee :)
It will give me an excuse to spam the site with pics of my pup when I get one in a few months.
Now what breed should I get :ORLY: almost as dangerous a question as "what calibre" :)
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Too right Mikee :)
It will give me an excuse to spam the site with pics of my pup when I get one in a few months.
Now what breed should I get :ORLY: almost as dangerous a question as "what calibre" :)
Attachment 171336
Katie the cross from rescue society,turned out to be a great deer dog,Bruno the red headed stepchild that the sister in law no longer wanted,lab /springer cross,hopefully be a handy duck dog and maybe deer dog one day to replace the old girl.
Keep an eye on those eyes mopheadrob
lol he must be part bat too with feet that sticky :)
He's a dog so should still be able to sniff out a downed critter I would think.
Go Mack the pond pup :)
Yeah, was a little worried about that but the breeder said the vet had checked her out and it was all good.
A bit of googling called it ectropion, and apparently in some cases you've got to give them regular eye drops. Have you had experience with it?
They don't always look that bad either - this was her last night:
Attachment 171405
I bred a pup years ago that developed it, at the time didn’t know that the hell it was… was not visible when he was vetted prior to being shipped.
Lesson learnt, it’s very bad in show cockers you see it a lot.
Settling in for some Friday arvo heavy dub... It's winter after all.
Now going for maximum singe effect!
Fark me I don't know how he can sit that close, it's bloody hot...
lol yeah they can bake themselves. They do eventually seem to move away though. Hair must be a fairly good insulator, one of my dogs would get almost too hot to touch until he moved away from the fire.
If I could just teach mine to open gates he'd be brilliant!
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Looks like the idiot has decided to take up yoga...
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Ziggy my new deer/sheep dog in training. An Australian Koolie which is just a flash way of saying Kelpie x Boarder Collie. Bit smaller than a kelpie and less eye
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My old Weimaraner Cooper how I had to put down last year at 15, some of you might remember him from when I was last living in NZ. Turned out ok on deer and ducks, stopped hunting him when we went back to Perth but he was a great family pet.
Attachment 172959
Man have not seen a Weimaraner for years ,good looking dogs sister had one twenty on years ago was a horse
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We have friends with one in Uruguay, from hunting lines, very strong prey drive and does well on Axis deer and small game/bird hunting, they live on a vineyard so hunt him on small game and doves etc a lot. I thought GSPs were batshit mad untill I met that dog...!!
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Old pig dog in semi retirement. Seems to have taken the transition well, but we havent bumped a pig yet so we shall see what happens.
he looks pretty happy with that deer :)
Me & this dopey bastard just spent a total of 35 days of actual hunting over the last couple of months & was a important part in our hunts from everything from pigs in the low land scrub filled gullies to the Alpine Tops after Tahr & Chammy .
It is when you spend a extended time with them in the field, you really appreciate how all the time put into training them pays off & the companionship they provide ,it also reinforces they are the unbeaten champs of silent but deadly farts in the truck after eating game for a couple of days .:P
Hunting over a good dogs has been one of my favorite hunting pastimes for a couple of decades now & a lot of my fondest hunting memories do not involve mate or clients but a dog working their hardest to please you or even just the look the give you when the Slowly, Slowly,Catch A Monkey stage is over & they know shit is about to go down .:P
Red Dog giving me the hurry up & get me my treat (l always give them a bit of fresh meat while breaking down the carcasses ) look.:thumbsup:
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sifting thru some old photos been gone for a few years now
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happy dog
I'm not surprised she's happy, she just put that heavy pack down and found herself a deer :)
Useless hunting dog. Barks at every animal we see. But I love her to bits
Few pics of my boy who's loving the lockdown attention. @Kudu
A rare occasion when he's tired.
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Getting that nose working
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Looks like a hard case fella :)
This is Bea.
I got her just before lockdown started. She's a Heading/Viszla X
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Attachment 177162
Too cute.:thumbsup:
She's a neat little pup. Full of beans.
I'm really starting to get the itch for another pup. Just have to redo the front boundary fence and it will be full yap ahead :)
Mother (Sako) and Son (Tine) enjoying the lockdown sun.
Here are my two curly coated retrievers with their first deer, a 2 yr Ruahine stag. They both indicated and the shot good and they are steadily learning their craft.
RugerAttachment 177220
Handsome boy. We had a "day off" today and I think Bo is a bit restless. "You mean I just have to just sit around on the lawn all day? No chasing rabbits? No getting into yucky stuff I find on the farm? No riding on the back of the ute or side by side with my ears flapping in the wind? No mum screaming at me for bringing her smelly gifts?"
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Attachment 180526
2008 - 2021
Sleep well Barepaw
I'm sure you had some great years together.
Condolences mate.
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Moki with his trophy he winded for me last weekend. He wasn't impressed with the funky headgear and is looking for the next