Looks like Moki is going oky doky :)
I hope to do something similar when I get my next dog. They sure have good sniffers aye :)
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Looks like Moki is going oky doky :)
I hope to do something similar when I get my next dog. They sure have good sniffers aye :)
While Dad has a beer it is a golden opportunity to sit on my brother and soak up the last of the afternoon sun…
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Waiting for boom
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Boom, good boy
Wife picked up Ted the other year and has been unhappy with him ever since.
Now that my dog passed away I've taken him on to whip him into (hunting) shape.
Purebreed Rottweiler/huntaway/fencejumper :D
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lol looks like a handful :)
Thankfully he's not as smart as he thinks he is.
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Mrs made the boy a cake. @Kudu
lol looks like he was waiting for you to light the candles :)
Thats awesome @Bobba !!
@Bobba s dogs mum from last week........
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Bea is going well.
She can jump in the truck now.
I've been working on her stop, stay and recall.
She's going really well.:cool:
She looks like a happy camper :)
I see ya getting the snob from the other woofer :) they can sometimes get a bit jealous when the new girl is getting a heap of attention.
Nah they get on good. He's just keen to get to the dog park.
Meet Bob the rescue dog - day 3 at home and he's knackered.
6 months old, quick learner and very placid. SPCA reckon he's a staffy x aussie cattle dog
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lol well done wearing him out. They don't usually stayed weared out for long at that age :)
My boy got his first deer yesterday. Not the first ive shot with him but the first he has done all the hard work and taken me right to them for a 20m shot. Certainly not perfect and a lot more still to learn ( mostly for me) but I'm stoked.
Here's to a first of hopefully many.
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Attachment 183135 watch out bunnies.
Great picture @RabbitStu. I must try to get some pictures of our fluffballs in motion too!
@JessicaChen Back just seen this post as l was going through looking at the hounds & thought this may interest you ,in 2004 we did a huge trip to Central Australia by motorbike, we raced in 04 Finke Desert Race, had 2 weeks off & then rode across the Simpson Desert & up the Big Red Sand Dune out of Birdsville QLD around 1400klm & 6 days all up .
The deserts in Central Australia had see some of the best rains in living memory & while we were prepping for & doing the Finke Desert Race the flocks of Budgerigar's were that huge while they flew to & from fresh patches of seed grass that they looked like bushfire smoke at first from a distance ,their was tens of thousands of them in the murmurs.
Then as we got into the center of the remote Simpson Desert we witnessed the rare sight of the reason the Simpson Desert has the world's longest parallel sand dunes ,the north-south oriented dunes form & remain that way growing to around 100ft, because when they get big rain it pools at the base of the dunes in miles long narrow pools & remains for weeks meaning the dunes are then held in position by vegetation ,(mainly seed grasses & spinifex), that grows with the help of the pooled water. What that meant was we would come over the top of these big dunes at full throttle & be greeted by huge flocks of mainly Cockatiels .
These flocks of Cockatiels were that huge that they would black out the sky ,(many the same color as yours),as they were feeding on the seed grass around these long strips of water & bathing & drinking from them .These huge flocks were that big that at sunset they would fly in for their chosen patch at night & would make their own wind, there was literally Millions of them making the most of the water & feed in the middle of the desert .We were also surprised to also see ducks making the most of the desert sand dune pools & had to wonder how far they had flown into to make the most of it.
That must have been an absolutely incredible sight. Budgerigars and cockatiels are cheap popular household pets, and usually end up by themselves in a cage which is quite sad considering they are incredibly social animals that live in enormous flocks in the wild. I would love to visit Australia someday to see these wild flocks of budgies/tiels as well as all of the other awesome wildlife. Thanks for sharing your experience.
Miserable wet day here, the house midget knows where to be :D Her name is Tilly, better known as, and answers to MONSTER!
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Zoe cooling off after a big day on the hill.
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Grace, the 'purebred' bitsa from @mimms2 coming along nicely.
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my 10 month old springer.
Few beers with Bob yesterday to celebrate his adoption.
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This Dopey Bugger just turned 1 .
We have 4 dogs on the farm, 1 actual farm dog, the old 9yr old Lab & 3yr old Vizsla gun dogs & just over a year ago we got this dopey bugger a GSP/ farm dog X from a mates farm after his GSP got at one of his Bitch farm dogs ,the wife got it as a sock stuffer for my birthday/xmas present as the Lab is getting on now & has trouble jumping in & out of the ute etc so stays home while l work on the farm & the wife thought a pup would keep the Lab & her company .
The Lab took on full blown mother duties with it & l found it took to basic commands quickly,was sitting ,healing & staying even when l went out of sight to test it at 10weeks & then started to mimic the Lab when l took it out hunting,as well as the usual tracking & retrieving training we would do the old farm trick of getting it to carry fresh eggs from the chook pen by mouth into mum in the kitchen ,while she threatened me with death if it broke them on her clean floor :P .
10 weeks with no idea how the hole got in the drive
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The lunatic started pointing rabbits at 4 months old like the Vizsla & duck season this year the silly old Lab would drop ducks she had retrieved from the water for it on the bank & the loony would retrieve back to the hide for us ,like it had watched "mum" do ,nearly turning it self inside out wagging its tail it was so proud of itself .It then started retrieving the ducks from the water much to the Labs disgust & then joy at being able to sit in the warm hide until the sun came up proper while the young idiot got wet.
I am lucky to have good hunting on private properties close to the farm, so it has been on a lot of deer & pig hunts shadowing the Vizsla ,during lock down the neighbor to us broke his Hip coming off a horse ,so has asked we take over the pest control in the back hills as his days of climbing them is done for a while, so he put in a gate on the back adjoining block & we just take the quad or SXS through after a phone call ,too easy & we have been spotlighting at least once a week as he had let numbers get up compared to us :thumbsup:
One of the Labs party tricks was she use to love riding the back of the ute or SXS & retrieve shot rabbits & drop them in a pile in the back ,all while we never had to leave the warmth of the cab .Well bugger me friday night me & the missus took the dogs along while we spotlighted, with the 3 dogs in the back & this dopey bastard started retrieving the rabbits all on its own with never being shown by me, only from shadowing the Lab .
The look of disgust on the face on the Vizsla each time nearly had my missus wetting her pants & when the rabbits were gently dropped onto the growing pile in the back of the ute ,the Vizsla would turn away & not even look, the old Lab just had that proud mum look.I kept 30 rabbits for dog tucker & after skinning them not one had teeth marks, Dopey Bugger has a lot of potential & the Vizsla will have the shits on not being the main Deer dog now .:thumbsup:
First Birthday hound
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Soft Mouth approved Bunnies
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RIP Saike
@Ross Nolan Sorry to here mate ,that is a beautiful photo .
From better days
Thanks Mike and Bunji. She was a good little dog, and much too young.
Sorry for your loss Ross.
That's a real bummer Ross. It's bad enough when they go "full distance" let alone when they are taken early.
Best wishes in this difficult time.
Buckle up Bo,we going off road in the ford festiva!
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My son and Maddie, oil painting by my wife.