The Bernie man. ! year old.Attachment 185482Attachment 185483Attachment 185484
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The Bernie man. ! year old.Attachment 185482Attachment 185483Attachment 185484
@Flyblown - thanks mate. The painting is called 'things to do, places to be' and it relates to both kid and dog, not wanting to know about posing for a painting.
Sacha’s first outing. She was bloody useless - didn’t even know the deer were there, spooked 2 by barking while I moved in on the first and not sitting still while I lined up on the second, but we eventually bagged one. Couldn’t even find it in the matagouri - fortunately I did. But she enjoyed herself, especially when she got a share of the spoils! Hopefully the experience will trigger her hunting drive and get her keyed in on deer scent. I don’t know whether I’m doing her training right, just figuring it out as I go…
Attachment 186175
lol at least you persevered and got there in the end :)
I would be trying to make it a bit of a game for her and teach her and use a word for the deer ( deer maybe :) ). I would be doing the same for possum, rabbit etc.... so she learns it's a bit of a finding game. Then once she is keen to find whatever it is, you can work on slowing her down and getting her to keep quiet.
I take my German thing fly fishing.
Attachment 186263
By joves, he's a nice looking pup
Here's my springer being a spastic, stunning eh?
Attachment 186334
lol that's great picture PadLo :) looks like a right hard case.
Great looking dog Elrond :) he looks like he will be a decent size too when he finishes growing
Attachment 186356 in his younger days.
Getting on a bit now… grey in the beard… Christmas morning sun bathing. Magic day today.
Attachment 186521
Bob's hit 9 months, has learnt a heap of commands and hand signs to match. Just gotta keep him well exercised or he'll be digging and up to no good when i'm not looking.
Before walk:
Attachment 187740
After walk:
Attachment 187741
@Louie He looks like a dog from a Old School cartoon strip ,was he telling you to relax about the new hole he had just dug, he was just making a pool for you :P
@bunji Funny enough i put one of those shell pools over his "hole spot" to stop him from going at it haha
lol butter wouldn't melt when he's asleep :D
Found my boy having a nap this evening.....classy as fuck :D
Attachment 187777
Gotta get that airflow to keep the boys cool....
Bo mid flight.
Attachment 187797
@dannyb Poor dog has caught the Aussie disease off its owner & turned into a closet Sheep Shagger :wtfsmilie::P:thumbsup:
Born April 14th 2021, makes him 9mths now.
Attachment 187901
He's gonna be a healthy size.
lol he looks keen on that cannon bone, yeah he's gonna be a big fella :)
you keep your grass shorter than mine. I got sick of hitting them with the lawn mower so switched to brisket bones and give them frozen so it takes longer to eat.
Looking after our sons beautiful Labrador Bexs,the cat abit pissed off lolAttachment 188067
New collar, a few hours into the back country
Attachment 188085
Been a long day at the river with Bo,so another dip and retrieve.
Attachment 188097
This morning down the Bach in the Pre Dawn , l loaded me, the missus & hounds into the Jet Boat for a hunt Sako the yr old Vizsla & Muttley the 13month old ,the unwanted Farm dog/Kelpy / Horny Fence Jumper GSP X .Had another great time on the water getting into tight bits of water with the Jet Boat & a top Hunt for 2 Deer ,with both of nut job hounds doing classic Moon Walking build ups to their own version of pointing ie Sako the Vizsla has been looking at pictures in Guns Dogs monthly & goes into a exaggerated , as l call it Slowly, Slowly, Catch A Monkey mode, where each slow step takes a age & the paw is even put down in stages so as not to rustle dried leaves ,twigs etc , then locking every muscle & shape forming to its dopey version of a Arrow & Muttley not giving a fuck what the Sooky Red Dog thinks & just locking the body up & slowly moon walking in ,then going into its own Slowly, Slowly, Catch A Monkey mode, it copied off Sako after hunting with it since it was 3months old ,then stretching its tail out straight as a arrow, horizontally, on a deer at a distance & then raising its tail into a Flag Pole & quickly quivering it like a Rattle Snake , when it is satisfied its dopey owner could not possibly miss such a easy shot it has set up .
The Vizsla is well pissed off now l am bringing the lowly farm dog accompanying it on "serious" hunts now ,as l predicted & it stood in between mums legs the whole time l was cutting up the Deer & refused any offer of tid bits which it normally scoffs with glee ,so instead the farm dog scoffed both lots with great glee, making sure to triple chew any sinewy bits right in front of Red dogs face .
The Vizsla then proceeded to refuse to sit in between us in the Jet Boat as it normally does & squeezed itself in the gap at the side of the boat next to mum ,while farm dog snuck in licking me in the face ,just at every moment l was concentrating lining up runs through shallow river beds or sharp bends .
(Xpost from H&N as could not be Fooked going through the slow torture of reuploading Pics to site )
Here is the pair of dopey bastards doing the usual lick test, on the Deer Muttley got
Attachment 188144
Sako the Vizsla doing text book Lock on for mum to shoot her deer
Attachment 188145
Muttley in Slowly, Slowly, Catch A Monkey mode, note tail position as deer is a way off ,l attribute this behavior to Muttley having very good eye sight & even when it came with us Duck shooting as a Pup ,spotted incoming birds well before the dopey Lab or Vizsla
Attachment 188146
Took the Hounds out for a Morning Hunt in the Jet Boat .
Sako the 4 yr old Vizsla doing the Old Fee, Fi , Fo , Fum ,l tink sumting tasty is on the other side ,before leading mum to a nice, fat, Red eater .
Attachment 188260
Trying to show off to Muttley the Farm Dog X GSP
Attachment 188261
Muttley Locked On to a deer for my Lill Bro ,at just over 1yr old & only really meant to be company for the missus & our Old Lab ,showing outstanding potential as a all round top notch hunting dog .
Attachment 188262
Attachment 188279
Cleo and toby happy the sun's gone down. It's a hard life being a black dog in summer
Attachment 188739
Whiskey girl after a big weekend. Intro to gunshots on Saturday then a bit of pest control until 1 am she had a great time. She will be trained up on deer and join me in the bush
Ziggys 2nd hunting trip, good mate to have with you in the bush
Attachment 188740
thats a long way down boss, you sure about this?
Attachment 188741
I can taste em boss they are close....
Attachment 188742
hey boss, you brought marshmallows aye?
lol that's a hard case look on ziggys' face on that swing bridge :) looks more like "why the hell are you stopping me on this thing" :)
Really enjoy this thread. Just a few photos of my young bitch Kahu. Half a GWP/ Heading Dog Cross. Best $400 i ever spent. She's gone through the BGID Blueprint and has about 10 odd deer to her name. Her first being a Sika Stag which she tracked for a 1km over 3 hrs through steep manuka country after it was gut shot by a friend.
Attachment 189371
Attachment 189372
Attachment 189373
Attachment 189374
lol she looks pretty keen on those num nums on the table. Ever hopeful no doubt :)
Sounds like she is shaping up to be a great dog
Attachment 190627
Took Bea into the Kaimais for her first hunt today.
It was only for a few hours and we didn't see anything but she went really well. She was off the lead and I wasn't sure how she would go. She was all good though. She didn't get too far in front. She would stop and look back to me. So a promising start. I'm heading into Whirinaki next week so we will have a far better chance of getting onto something. Fingers crossed
She's a bit knackered tonight:thumbsup:
Attachment 190628