My wee grand sons new baby friend.Eigth weeks old,she s called Tilly.Attachment 192288
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My wee grand sons new baby friend.Eigth weeks old,she s called Tilly.Attachment 192288
Me old mate Knox. 20 next year and he still gets around all right. Going a bit deaf but he’s never been the best listener anyhow. F**king useless at anything other than sleeping,eating, farting, and chasing possums and loves hanging out with mum at home way more than going on the farm but he still gets out with me for the odd day here and there. I reckon he’s got to be in line for one of the oldest Staffies in the world, never had any health problems, injured himself through misadventure a bit when he was younger but that’s about it. Took him hunting once in his life, with a mates pig dogs and he taught them all to bail possums so he wasn’t invited anymore after that.
Attachment 193405
Shit that's a good run Ryan, he sounds like a right dag :)
Must be all that farting keeping him young :D
And the young buck.. bit of a poser
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lol ya just know his farts don't stink :)
My boy Scapa (named after Scapa Flow). Four months old at the moment. We’ve been working hard on those early stages of the Blueprint. A lot of work, but he’s shown great development already. Can be a stubborn wee bugger when he wants though :D
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Spent a few weeks down the top of the South Island with the Wife and the dog, had a good look around and did plenty of great days hikes in the area, here a a couple of photos that I really liked from our last hike up Mt Isobel in Hanmer forest park. Love been in the mountains with the dog and this time of year the colours and light are amazing. Great country we live in to be able to have access to these areas.
Dog on the mountain looking for game
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Dog on a Rock
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We walked up from down there boss, how are your legs...
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Maggie wasn't impressed when I showed her my roof tent set upAttachment 194058
Here is my boy "helping" me out at work :)
10kg as of last week and costing me a fortune in socks he seems to enjoy taking out into the garden and loosing
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And his first big boy bone :)
Son of a bitch they are expensive now
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Turned my back for 3 seconds.
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Poor fella had a bit of a rough trip. First run in with stinging nettle, bee stings and looks like a limp tail.
This is the second time this has happened… Every now and then we’ll get a resident ferret or three come setup nearby, usually when we’ve got a problem with mice (which we have had recently, along with rats). This means a stealth war of seek & destroy… because if there’s one thing you can’t do if you’re a ferret, is hide your presence from my Staffy.
Unfortunately when he tackles ferrets, he gets bitten. This is exactly the same outcome as last time, a day or so after the battle there’s a small lump, like a sting, then a few days later he grows a huge bloody abscess on his jaw. It started suppurating over the weekend, then broke through onto the surface last night.
Stoic dog he is though, lay there on the vet’s table this morning and allowed her to stick a bloody big aspirating needle into him, wiggling it around, sucking out pus. In and out, round and round. No drama. All good. I said to my teenager, mate you won’t even pop that dirty great chorb on your chin cos its too sore, diddums.
So, antibiotics and no hunting.
Aw rest and treats sounds like the go then :)
Sounds a bit like my old huntaway when he tried chewing a possum that wasn't quite dead and got a facefull of claws. Lucky no vet that time.
I would think the reward outweighs the pain later. I hope you let him give it a good chew after it was dead.
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Moki and a bit of kaimai venison. One of his best finds for me after a few months of no hunting. Winded it from a couple hundred metres and led me on to it to shoot at 20m. Lots of scraps for him that night
Lily and a yearling my daughter shot
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Kelpie X? Ears give Lily away
@Fat belly Dog
Border collie, heading dog, Smithfield x apparently
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Last night. I wish i had a better camera on my phone
My boy working on getting all his big boy teeth :)
4 months old and 17.5kg today. had his first trip to the beach which he loved ( what dog doesn't like going to the beach).
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Look at that tail go!!
Lol ya right Cigar :) although we had just come back from the beach whereas the other pic ( I had a rethink about posting the humping pic) was a few hours before.
Big day for him today, vet for final boosters, then beach where we met 2 friendly big dogs, and a walk which tired him out since he was curled up knackered in the passenger seat on the drive home. Bounced back to life though when the neighbourhood tart turned up again :)
here is the tease :)
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her milkshake brings all the boys to the yard
here is the big dog on the scene as well. He lives down the road a bit
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I regularly have to remind my mut that i am the one with the rifle!
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When you are so tired you can’t even climb all the way up onto the couch before going to sleep.
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Thor did some great work this morning. The shotgun is an 81 year old SO Beretta salvaged from a wrecked Italian truck by our troops during battle in the Libya desert in 1939. Used the new Falcon tinned #4 bismuth and it worked very well.
New Twin needle harness arrived the other day. Seems to fit ok but haven't put the pouches on yet. A few minor adjustments to make to get the fit right but shouldn't be too tricky. Twin needle were really prompt with the delivery and ordering was really easy.
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What size did you go for? Been thinking about getting one for Bo and have generally had good dealings with TN but have sent them and email and messages through Instagram and no reply as I felt their size descriptions were a bit vague. I reckon Bo would be similar size to your dog
@Ryan_Songhurst, I went on to the website and ordered one. There was no size description or photo on the Molly harness so I just had to hope that it was the right size. As far as communication goes they have been excellent whenever I have sent an e-mail. Hannah is the one I have communicated with and she is onto it. seems to work very well.
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Hi all just joined back into the Forum.
I hunt over Kona the Vizsla who loves deer but couldn’t care less for birds.
Not really a deer dog but she chased these two up a tree middle of night and kept them there while I got the .22 loaded :)
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Here's my 1.5 year old Wirehaired Vizsla. Crazy drive and hunting ability, can do it all from deer, pheasants and ducks on a pond.
I put a lot into this dog in her first year and it has really paid off.
I didn't do the blueprint for my own reasons but took lots of advice from some more experienced gentleman, the main things being let the dog hunt and focus on the stop and recall, and train little and often.
It has been a super rewarding experience and awesome having a quirky little mate tag along.
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Nice :)
She looks like one proud girl.
As for the training well it looks like it works. With a solid stop and recall you can do anything.
Cool looking dog, does she work in close on deer? or is that where the "stop" and recall come in, put a stop on her if ranging to far in front.
My last versatile dog I had (Weimaraner) was a gun on game birds and ducks but ranged to far on deer, I had to hunt him with longline (Hand Break) but I readily admit that he didnt have a good stop trained into him and would jump the gun on duck retrieves at first.
My new deer dog (cattle dog), in training, has a great stop and recall. but lacks the hardness that the wei had.
cheers FBD
Thanks mate, she works at a heel mostly on deer doesn't range further then probably 5 meters. She started primarily on deer until we had a few together then moved on from that. They some how know what species you are targeting and work accordingly. Every now and then I go back and do some stop to shot training because she gets pretty keen during bird season.
Found one from 2015 with the fella that passed
This is a very unusual sitting still shot
Looking at a bird, he was a real birdy dog Jake.
Twas the evening and he'd been for a swim earlier.
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It’s kind of a family in-joke, not that we should be joking about autism of course. But there is definitely something spectrum related when it comes to our little bitch Staffy. Snip, her name is. Loosely translated from Cape Afrikaans slang it means little tart. Odd creature. Pretty sure if she were human she would be medicated.
She’s just a very odd little dog. I think she has special powers…
She can read your mind, and understands complex sentences even when you speaking in code so as not to get her all excited. There is nothing that you can do that might involve her that she doesn’t know about before you’ve even decided to do it. She’ll appear out of nowhere with the slightly cocked head and expectant look on her face - righto dad let’s go, keys are over there and don’t forget your raincoat.
Her sense of timing is uniquely spot on, she appears under your feet or chair as if by magic, about a half second before you drop that piece of food. She usually catches it in mid air. How does she know this is about to happen? She can of course tell the time perfectly. Even when daylight saving changes the time by an hour, she knows that it’s 5 pm, dinner time, even when yesterday 5 pm was 4 pm. How does she know that?
She is an uncanny hunter. We have numerous thickets of flax, griselinia, all sorts, if she decides there’s a rat in there she will wait it out for hours. I’ve watched her in the garden in the driving rain, locked solid pointing at the bushes, quivering from the cold, ready to pounce. She won’t give in. Finally her ratty prey makes a beeline for the dry shed and meets an untimely end.
The list of oddness goes on forever. She has been known to take a nap in the bath (without water thankfully), in the cupboard under the kitchen sink and on the trampoline. She likes to wear a Wonder Woman vest. She will go for a dip in the cattle trough, then seek out something exceptionally dead and roll in it with glee. Her dreaming has to be seen to be believed, a pantomime of growls, yelps, whistles and twitches. Sometimes she just about stops breathing all together. She rolls on her back incessantly. She’ll go up the top of the paddock hill, turn over onto her back and roll herself all the way to the bottom, upside down all the way. She sits in the driveway for hours in summer, licking air. Lick lick lick lick lick lick lick… hours and hours. Does she think she’s a lizzard? She’s a constant bum rubber. It’s not worms, she just likes doing it. She’ll scoot her bumhole from one end of the house to the other, then turn around and sniff her bum trail all the way to where she begun, then sneeze uproariously, I swear she’s laughing.
She is highly strung there’s no doubt about that. She’s one of those nervous energy little dogs that finds it hard to relax. You could feed her twice what her brother gets and she won’t put on an ounce of fat. I think most of the energy she consumes through food is expended in weirdness.
And here she is performing one of her routinely odd behaviours, sitting on her brothers head. I’ve never seen a dog do this before, not just the sitting but the tolerating being sat on.
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Her brother isn’t odd at all. Just very, very cool.
It is exactly 5pm. Guess who’s just turned up.
lol bloody hard case :D
The head sitting is a dominance thing where she is telling her brother she is the boss, and you can sniff my farts :)
Here she is, being a plant. A favourite pastime.
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