Bloody good looking bitch that @Danny.
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Bloody good looking bitch that @Danny.
Took Bo on a 50 km road trip this morning to some acess point on the Manawatu River to hunt pheasants but we got beaten by the ewes lambing,so home again with nothing in the bag and river still to high to fish.
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Who's the boss?
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My 8 month old Scapa getting his point on during a training session this evening. Still doesn’t have the discipline yet for deerstalking, but his training is progressing and he’s got strong instincts.
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He looks more like a speckled Jim than a speckled Scapa :D
Does he always lift the same foot ?
@rugerman yeah always lifts the same foot. Is that normal? Sometimes he will lock up without lifting a foot at all. In this instance he started out that way- could tell he was onto something by the way he froze and became so focussed. Then as he advanced a little closer he began pointing with the paw up. I let him guide me right across the park following it til he eventually got close enough to flush the bird. He worked his way in by just moving a metre or two and then returning to a point.
Yeah mate since there is no such thing as normal, it's normal :)
I've seen some that don't lift a foot, so it's the head and ears that are the main things to look for when he's seen something.
Looks like he is going great, keep up the good work :)
Yeah he seems to just indicate with head and tail while further away, and then brings in the paw lifting when he’s a bit closer. Cheers- he’s a work in progress :D but coming along nicely. First pup for me so it’s been a big learning curve. Just taking our time and trying to do things properly.
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Beas first indicated animal.
I dont nprmally bother with goats but she did everything right. We came accross some Goats a little earlier. We watched them for a while but they must have got our wimd and scarpered. She was really good and didnt evem look like chasing them. She led me to this one a little later on so i decided to pull the trigger. Be good dog tucker i giess.
She is meant tp be a Deer Dog so i hope shooting goats over her wont affect her working on Deer.
Does it matter??
I would think it would only be an issue if there are goats where you hunt deer.
I've been meaning to post more here rather than just lurk, so meet Zara at 3 months v 8 months (now)
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Oh no, super cute alert :D
shit don't they grow fast, keep taking lots of pics mate or you might forget how small she was :)
My little tike is 33.1kg now ( as at 5/8) and he's only 7 months old :O_O:
Hunting Rats in the muddy creek banks .
What a complete waste of oxygen this useless lump is....This is right now, this minute . Snoring his friggin head off , we had to turn the telly volume up so we could hear it , and god forbid I try and put more wood on the fire ... It becomes a battle of wills
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lol Ftx, my nutbag is a fire seeking missle too. I think it must be his short coat but if the fire or heater is going, he is right on it.
Yeah I think so. He was 6kg at 8 weeks but has shot up like a mushroom ( another thing he eats). I only saw a photo of his father but he was the biggest Lab I've seen. I can weigh him at work so will check every couple of months. I might take him off large puppy feed soon :)
I think as a general rule most dogs grow upwards for the first 12 months, then start to fill out. I would guess he might end up just under 40kg :D
Bo and Ace the black labs waiting for a hare shot!They know where I'm pointing the boom stick (stirling 14p .22lr rifle) but can't see it till it falls.
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The left hand guy looks like he is living dangerously!
Either get the dog to take the pic or give him the rifle :D
This one handed shooting lark is only good if you've got a laser sight
All three labrador colours.
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Dash taking a moment
Doing farm dog stuff
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Took my 6 month old GSP for her first hunt on Sunday afternoon. Was very impressed with how she went with her first interaction with wild animals and scents
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Two Catahoula x Heading dog pups in Taranaki at the moment up for grabs, I would love a Catahoula, all ways had a soft spot for them after hunting over one in the Naki years ago. I dont have a home at the moment so cant really justify a new pup in the kennel..
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Nice pups, unfortunately Bo doesn't have much leopard spots but he does have them, his skin under all his white fur is covered in leopard spots the hair just isnt. He's been an awesome dog picked up hunting very quickly and has a really strong nose and drive. Only issues I've had with him are possession issues have had to train that out of him as he's naturally quite possessive of things he considers his ie: my truck, me. Very quiet dog and been that way always never gets up and annoys new people or jumps up like lots of pups and other than guarding if he's inside at home he very rarely ever barks.
Few pictures of Ziggy out and about down Canterbury last week. Great part of the country to get your dog out in the hills, will definitely be back for a few hunting missions
Quick hike up Helicopter hill, plenty of old deer shit up on the top but gets a lot of day walkers in there.
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Trig M, windy day up on the tops, glassed the sunny faces but no fresh sign around
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Day walk into Oxford forest park with the wife and dog, Ziggy had several strong indications on possums in dead logs.... work to do there. No sign along the track
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Bo sounds like a great dog Ryan,
Mines the same has gotten worse with resource guarding me especially when tied up at a cafe or a pub. Its getting worse and I have needed to revisit the way I am training her. She was a well socialized as a pup and currently has no issues down the beach or out with other dogs and about its just on the lead sitting down and any sticks and balls etc and just with other dogs not people.
This is my first dog thats been like this, she is pretty timid and reactive, I have taken a step back and building up her confidence then will start the socialization with dogs on leads again
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This is Hazel, after a hard day at the beach.
Age 2.5 hoping she'll settle down a bit one day.
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She did help track this one, my first sika and her first deer.
Well Jack has started cocking his leg for a piss now so he must think he's a big dog :)
Actually of all my dogs he has been the slowest to lift his leg at 8 months old.
He is finally starting to listen too which is making a nice change
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Candace. Yet to see a rabbit (but man did she try to find the one she scented) let alone catch one, so if you have a large field in the Wairarapa with post and rail fences and a rabbit problem let me know. Probably need 2 whippets to catch a hare but willing to give it a go.
Always identify your target beyond all doubt because you never miss and I will be missed