Just been today for the replacement this is Jager get her in two weeks onto the blueprint hope she has a brain good times [emoji106][emoji869]https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/202...bbc11895d1.jpg
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Just been today for the replacement this is Jager get her in two weeks onto the blueprint hope she has a brain good times [emoji106][emoji869]https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/202...bbc11895d1.jpg
Sent from my Nokia X20 using Tapatalk
Attachment 218787let's go home, no birds here.
The boys enjoying a pork flavored iceblockAttachment 218801Attachment 218802Attachment 218803
Attachment 218958
My favourite hunting combo ever!
Wet walk into waipakahih
Attachment 219137
Pooped pooch bit at least the sun came out
Attachment 219138
@Bobba up the river or over the top? much storm damage in there?
Dog looks happy asleep on the porch in the sun, its always good to see them resting after a hard slog.
Rainbows, eh?
The new edition making himself right at homeAttachment 220080
Out for a walk last week, Koolie on grass waiting for dusk to glass the bush edge
Attachment 220087
Good to see this getting stronger. Just need him to do it on deer not my bloody sheep.
Attachment 220097
I HAVE NO PROBLEM with either of those to be pointed and not eaten... yip ok ,thanks but not them today...
Good Time...
Attachment 220194
Old mate been a bit crook last few days but he got out with me today cutting a few lanes for glassing
Attachment 220348
Last nights walk, fantastic looking sky. Nice walk with the dog it was
Nikau is nearly 6 months and doing well. Got himself a new vest. I fitted it on him today and he was a little bothered to start with, but he got used to it. The idea is to only use tge vest with his long line while training away from town, and going bush. Otherwise it's collar and leash for town walks.
Attachment 221300
Attachment 221301
Yeah he doesn't look super impressed @Projects - that will definitely change once he cottons on that it means going on adventures in the bush with Dad and the loud stick!
Haha partially dad was getting grumpy cause I wanted a photo and he wanted to move too much... but yes hopefully he'll know that vest mean adventure. Getting him used to the boom stick is the next challenge. He's all good with the nail gun so the suppressed 7mm08 should be all good. Will start with the .22 though.
They all nice dogs up there. I do `t have any experience of living with a dog, afraid of dogs since childhood actually. Moved to SI, I was really considering to have one, fishing & hunting together, be my friend when house is empty even he can `t talk.
Walking around town he's still quite excited and eager especially when around other dogs. He just wants to get close sniff and play. Which I trying to allow a little, but also mindful I still need him to listen and obey.
I've noticed with large dogs he's fine, approaches normally,etc. But smaller dogs he shows some really strong eye traits. He locks eye contact and will get super low and stalk in on an arch to pick up their wind 1st I assume. Again all natural instincts, he's never been on a farm since I got himself as a pup.
I'm excited to get him in the bush eventually.
Out for a hunting this weekend, Ziggy got me within 20m of a pig after following up a good indication, the wind swirled and hit the back of the neck as we were planning how to close the gap in the thick Nikau and supplejack spur we climbed up to get to the gut it was rooting in, we could hear it but didnt get to see the pig. She was pretty steady and I didnt have her on the longline but still a bit fast/noisy in the bush at times.
Attachment 221415
Came across some old deer sign. Enjoying been out and getting some bush work into Ziggy and my fitness up, wont be long and we should get onto a pig or a deer in the area.
Attachment 221414
Really like the look of your bitch @Fat belly Dog .With those prick ears & strong eye,I,d say she's got more smarts than you & me put together.She,ll go with a little more work if you can get time to put it into her.Keep up the happy snaps,she's very photogenic
Thanks Bluebaiter, yep she is pretty smart but does have a few quirks due to been smart.. Could do with more work on a day to day basis.
Ziggy loves the camera, the kids joke that I have more photos of the dog than I do of them.... they are probably right.
Cheers FBD
three stills off the video I took last night
Nice Mikee. I put up four (a cock and three hens) in the long grass about twenty metres from my front door yesterday. It gave me a hell of a surprise walking down the track towards my range.
whos dog knows when gun case comes out and the socks go on its show time... Ziggy wont take her eyes off me until I head out the door now.
Attachment 222176
I've never seen a girl with that much anticipation in her eyes :TT TT::TT TT:
Not a pic but I caught this on camera last week. My wee girl has a great nose!!
Took the pup out for his 1st long line session this afternoon. Just wanted to get him used to his new "work" vest and long line combo. Then focus on him controlling his distance, and getting him a solid sit and stay in a few varying situations, calm, a heavy track and post action ( No shot, but being barked at by a hind.) Was a productive couple hours. But still lots to work on.
1st time being barked at, unsure reaction cause he couldn't see or smell the deer.
2nd time he was ground tracking straight in on one but couldn't pick its wind so wasn't until last second he spotted her, she barked, his hair stood up and he ran back to me growling. Lots of praise and food treats for his tracking effort, reassuring him its OK to settle him from growling and barking.
Attachment 222217
Attachment 222218
I thought we were on this afternoon.... Ziggy lead me up a nasty steep gut to a very strong indication and intensity showing plenty of eye... Just a bloody Weka.... Bird dog
Attachment 222242
Had to shoot a cow with broken leg. Shot home to grab the rifle, dog got all excited thinking we were going for a hunt. Told him he couldn't come with me and left him at home. Wife sent me this pic 10mins later.https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/202...3fb04997e8.jpg
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Pretty sure that translates as WTF. :D
Aw the poor fella. I would have taken to the cow after I'd shot it to show him that he wasn't missing out on something