Yeah he was rather upset. The big chunk of fresh beef seemed to cheer him up though [emoji23]
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A few labs after a run to check a pond.
Attachment 222402
Attachment 222403
Attachment 222404
And this one is Bo carrying an empty bomber box carton up to the dump with Ace following.
Attachment 222405
Lilly, springer spaniel. Good bird dog but also handy for finding game animals, likes goats especially. Typical spaniel though, too much go for first hour or soAttachment 222542Attachment 222543Attachment 222544
Lol classic :)
Nora the Explorer. Occasionally comes out rabbit shooting with me.
Attachment 223216
What a cutie :thumbsup:
Out with Scapa on a wee bush training session recently. Was focussed on training rather than hunting but took the rifle along just in case. Training is coming along nicely at almost 18 months old.
Attachment 223369
Got it Dad
That is such a happy face
Must’ve been a long day. First one on the deck for her a couple weeks earlier. Certainly scents them now, just up to me to follow through.
Attachment 226182Attachment 226184Attachment 226187Attachment 226188Attachment 226189
Here's Bella. 15 weeks old now. Full of promise for me to tap. Pure Lab, good hunting lines. Wife is in love with her so Im going to need to share her.
Attachment 226194
Good to see someone to carry on Tilly’s job.
She looks a promising pup.
So cute :)
I'm glad you got another pup Tahr, sometimes you have to let a bit of time go by before getting back into the dog thing. You soon remember the nutyness of young dogs though aye :)
Don't know if the wife will be too happy getting Bellas fir all muddy when she ventures out :D
Young gunnar tuckered out after 1st outting chasing quail flushed a few and even retrieved a couple very impressed for a young dogAttachment 226202
Thanks to a good Bugger from here I got out with the dog this morning and managed to tip over a young nanny for winter goat curry. Ziggy indicated well but struggled with the gunshots and shut down a bit. She was excited once we tracked in on the downed goat so hoping she will put 2+2 together and get over the gun shyness. (I have gone through the blueprint gun proofing method to Tee) just one of those dogs I think.
Attachment 226594
Attachment 226595
This is Max, who lived to a ripe old age of 16, unfortunately we had to bury Max last week, a very difficult time of life.
He was a very loyal friend.
Attachment 226620
sorry for your loss...they take a huge hunk of our hearts with them when they go.
That's a good innings there, Max! 16 years of great memories, sorry to hear of your loss @DPT it's never easy, and nothing said can make it easier. The house will be quieter but remember the good times, laugh at the silly times and never forget.
Sorry to hear that DPT. Sonsad when it happens.
My Pot licker Fern
Attachment 226642
Anyone's mutt also like to climb wood piles? He'll happily climb up put his front paws up on the fence a watch people and traffic drive past. Must look hilarious from the other side this pup looking over a 2m high fence.
Attachment 226680
Caught the peeping tom this morning
Attachment 227036
You could at least put a window in for the poor fella :D
He would love a tree house. Our one loves helping with the fire wood. When cutting it up he grabs it piece by piece and takes it around the back of the house or trys to relocate all the wood from the shed to the back of the house, and he has his own pile outside his house as well.
Two today.
Attachment 227118Attachment 227118
Introducing Cookie. Female ridgeback X. She needed re-homing so we adopted her.
Attachment 227522
now there is a dont mess with me if ever Ive seen one.
lots of love and you will have years of love back
Almost a week in and so far so good. No blood or tears.
Attachment 227847
Attachment 227939 Awe c'mon boss those sheep will get way cold if we shift them today!!
My wee boy is 1 year old now, time flies.
Attachment 228704
Attachment 228732 Jager six months old ,a right handful.
"What do you mean? mum won't let me inside???"
Attachment 228740