This is my boy Leo. Trying to get him trained up so hopefully one day he can accompany me without trying to chase after everything on his own
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This is my boy Leo. Trying to get him trained up so hopefully one day he can accompany me without trying to chase after everything on his own
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It’s been raining most of today and Mary is a bit bored and wants to play.
She has had a month in dog heaven Pelorus sound Mary 2 possums 0. We had to carry the last one home with us cause she kept going back to the dead possum to give it more of a hiding she would not leave it behind. Dug a very deep hole and that fixed that.
Found another yesterday we were way up the hill so didn’t want a repeat so managed to call her off before she got into its burrow.
Long haired Jack Russell’s might look like a hand bag dog but the hunting instinct is strong.
In the van on the delivery run.
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So mum was away over Christmas visiting family and i was in sole charge of our 10 year old, 6kg, one eyed Cavoodle named Cooper. Well I want to go hunting, so Cooper has to go hunting as well. It would be fair to say you don't see too many Cavoodles out hunting. He did well, but didnt really take to the 4.30am start in the morning, the stories he will tell his Mum when she gets home tomorrow. I like to think he got in touch with his inner Wolf. One yearling spiker and two yearling hinds to show for our efforts
Classic. And the exaggerated stories he will tell his Pomeranian and Shitzu mates will go on for hours.
The rooster cogburn of the dog world:thumbsup:
never ceases to amaze me what dogs will hunt - mate had a papillon yes bloody butterfly dog - dynamite on possums get rifle out and it would switch into hunting mode out into orchard bailing possums up trees - another old mate had a jack Russell bitch so they got another 2 yr old jack Russell bitch as a mate for it - owner neglected to tell them it was a turboed cat killer - could catch and kill a cat in 2-3 minutes - had its technique well sorted - they lived in town and in fear of it getting loose and causing mayhem - I put them onto a DOC mate who did cat work so hope it found a good home - nice little bitch really - I admired it
If I was a oned-eyed, overweight seventy year old being forced to get up at 4:30 a.m. it would take a while to get my inner wolf going I suspect. :omg: Nice work on the deer though.
Bo getting it done today. We went for a big wander without the rifle as I couldn't really be bothered processing a deer. Got onto a few. Good fun just going out with the pressure off and just putting the dog through his paces.
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In the 11 years since I picked this dog up from a breeder in Perth (along with his sister), he has destroyed dozens of balls.
Tennis balls
Rugby balls
A memorable occasion when he destroyed a young relative’s treasured beachball…. Sorry about that.
Doesn’t matter how tough the ball, he’ll kill it.
Except this one.
An AFL ball. He sleeps with the damn thing. It’s his ball. His only possession.
Fuckin’ Aussies. Law unto themselves.
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Bullies are just as bad, we bought our toddler a paddling pool and when she realised she wasnt allowed in it she chomped it and deflated it and flooded the back yard. She also chewed through the wires to my utes tail lights so I had to drive to the auto electrician with no indicators. Her most disgraceful moment was bowling over a kids sandcastle on the beach when she pulled the leash out of my hand . Still miss that grumpy old tart though.
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The pigs have the dog bailed
She is an idiot but she earns her keep.
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Not sure when I became the half way house for visiting muttlies
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And when the boy wants to come to work with dad :D
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Out for a deer yesterday and run into four Cham. Another first for the pup. Quiet day sleeping for her today. Just scrapes in at 9”.
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Popsicle learnt new trick today...when Dad is sitting looking through binos..lets get really close behind him and rest our chin on his shoulder so we can look and see what hes looking at LOL.
Beautiful chammy.
Jager is 1 year old now ,not as annoying ,will start putting more training into here now.
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That's one fluffy set of chops :D
Nui the 2yr old "retired" working dog with her first deer. Fairly chuffed with her efforts. Slept like a log in the car ride home
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Hard at work
And so it begins.
12 week old GSP x Lab.
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Dangerously cute :D
just lost mine 2 weeks back, almost ready to get another....almost
Sorry to hear that Tropo :(
A new pup can lift the spirts again though
Aren't Labs great :)
This one day...
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And this the next...
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She is a very lucky dog Tahr. She gets to do most days what a dog is meant to do and loves doing.
I walk our two dogs around an 8km block most mornings and there are numerous dogs that the highlight of their day is to snarl at us from the behind the fence as we walk past.
She won’t mind if she can’t chase them - so long as she is there. I have to wear a uniform to work and our dogs know if I have my uniform on then they are not coming so I get the cold shoulder, but if I don’t then there is still hope they’re coming!
Im sure yo uwill find a porker or fallow to tip over for her to find for you..if not she will have weeks holiday and get to go for big walks everyday and two trips on a big boat..whats not to like??? that "go have a drink" training you have been doing will come in handy..she can be sent down to creek so you dont need to walk down yourself.
When your sworn enemy makes it to safety and then taunts you through the glass .
All of the evidence presented on this thread so far tends to suggest your dog is a real hardcase @Ground Control?!?