Agree. A Waikato would be a much better fit :D
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Well done Jett. How does he go in the bush, I need to keep Penny on lead or will just self hunt miles away!
in reply to penny's walker,some brits do exhibit that behaviour,-self hunters,they do not relate to your whereabouts.i believe this has a genetic basis. however what can you do with the problem once you have the dog? invest in a good electric collar and use it to aid your voice will also curb his distance out. it is effective.
Shes pretty good I only took a leash to tie her at the hut, She is 14 months old and only her second deer hunt. (I stuffed two up the first time) I spent a lot of time getting a good heel and have practiced walking really slow and stopping every couple of metres, when hunting she is allowed about 5 metres from me. seems to have figured out what we are doing really fast. I don't use a shock collar, most of her training is from Rory Majors HPR box set from Paul French Video
Attachment 30932
Number 2 shot today back in the ruahines
Wow no2 already she will be getting tired. Penny all good everywhere except the bush, heel, recall, practice stalking all good just bolts 100m's in bush, haven't been real keen on shock collar idea as she reasonably fragile in nature. Been trying to get onto the local field dog club in dunedin for help etc with out luck.
Practice at home one thing bush/ tops another.
Last trip used a hotly to stop her pulling on a 5 m lead, by end of day she was getting use to been close. Still no luck shooting over her and don't get out much not helping.
monty the old ridgeback 9 and 1/2 now was the runt of the litter and was told by numerous vets to put him down as a pup as he wouldn't make 3 months and cleo the young rescue pup 12 months now (we think) told us she was a pharaoh hound ...but as she has grown looks more whippet x something (maybe some sort of terrier) wicked fast , practises her stalking on birds , bails cats...... and can problem solve( eg. figured out how to open plastic drink bottles by unscrewing the caps ) had 2 trips to the bush and looking promising
Father-son time
Attachment 31370
2130hrs last night.:cool:Attachment 31768
Looks like a Lab.. . "I'm sure I can smell a bbq....."
Young pup starting to show some promise, mostly she's insanely running around but then does points like this and give's me some hope for the future
Thanks, coming up 11 Months and Ridgerunner kennels