So I've kept Nikau whole for the reason if i wanted to keep his line going I'd have the chance to in the future, dependent on his nature and ability.
Well his nature is perfect for me and my family, no aggression and great with children. He's "forced" me to be more active as i got lazy/ busy with work, he's smart and easy to train. If anything i probably haven't hunted him enough as i would have liked to, but as he nears 2.5 years old and the hand full of trips we have done, he's improved i just need to do my job better.
We had a vet check up a couple weeks ago and he's a "specimen of a dog" i was told. Proud Dad moment. and I was asked if i was going to get him the snip, which i kindly told the vet of my plans dependent on his nature. The vet advised me that breeding dogs between 2.5 years and 4 years is prime time for Males.
My questions are, Who's pimped / studded out their male dog intentionally? What sort of negotiations are to be expected? What costs should I look to cover, if any? What should i expect in return?
I've heard of stories of getting the 1st pick of the litter. But I'm not ready for another dog, 1 is enough for my household at the moment.
Any advice is greatly appreciated. Picture of the gigolo i plan to pimp out eventually.