Nice work Tilly
My GWP does the same thing, I do try and encourage a neck hold.
Funny when it's just a wee deer!
"If God wanted us to be vegetarian....why did he make meat taste so good?"
Bloody built in tenderiser lol
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[QUOTE=Dino;418790]Nice work Tilly
My GWP does the same thing, I do try and encourage a neck hold.
Funny when it's just a wee deer!
May I ask you a question about how your GWP behaves in the bush please???
My 6 year old bitch has, almost from 6 months of age, made a lot of noise panting & huffing& puffing while we're sneaking about. I can be sitting down watching an area for 10/15 minutes, get up & walk away & the traction engine starts up again!!!! Is this something that I can fix??? ( short of a 7mm round!!!) My GSP's never had this problem but my last two wirehairs have. I've put her ( & myself) on a crash diet to see if that helps????
I'd appreciate your views or anyone else's . Thanks.
my 9 year old is quiet, pants a bit only with the heat but nothing like a lab for instance.
none of ours have had this issue, and we currently own a few.
I wonder if you have at some stage allowed them to over heat in there younger years and damaged the lungs.
Mine hardly makes a noise.
She came from Kawhia.
Quiet as except for flapping wet ears.....
My two GWPs have naturally gone for the throat.