Sounds like you need to take the dog for a run somewhere different for a few weeks so NN can't continue to 'bump into you both'
That's weird and scary....
I would change the time you take the dog out. Although if she is watching your house that wont help as she will see when you leave. I would either take the dog somewhere else or stop going out for the last few days before you move.
As others have said, change your routine.
I would also talk to NN's husband to let him know what's happening, he may have no idea and may be able to prepare her for when you move and let you know later if your dog just "happens" to turn up at your place.
Borrow someone else's dog and take that for a run instead, tell her it is the same dog and she must be having memory issues. See if you can borrow a few dogs to do it with. Take a cat out for a run as well. Even a shopping trolley.
Even better put the dog on the bike and run along beside it
honestly I would tell her it died when once you move....sounds creep AF
Yeah, I suppose I do have to try to see the lighter side of this drama...
... here I am in my single life finding it difficult to even get a date and yet my dog has a stalker
Another thing is my other neighbour's dog across the road has had 8 puppies he is trying to give away.
I mentioned to the husband to get NN one of those so she can transfer the love for my dog onto it.
But his reply was: "She doesn't want a new puppy as she feels it is far too soon....that she is still getting over the heartbreak of not being with 'insert my dog's name'.
He then added that my dog "seems to have entered her DNA and so she is just living one day at a time at the moment'.
Bloody hell it's crazy!
Jean Paul Satre was right... "Hell is other people".
A good job and a good wife has been the ruin of many a good hunter.
Go for 25K
A big fast bullet beats a little fast bullet every time
Id be running away from that situation fast. I know the lady has her problems but its got nut case written all over it. Sorry but Im a spades a spade type of guy.
Are they coming to your house warming
I think it depends on how much you ''NEED'' the money , like you have to feed the children sort of thing . To me a dog was a tool , the same as a nice shot gun or rifle . But the old man and myself breed curly coats and sold a lot of pups .
The original bitch and dog we would never have sold for any money , not because of the money side of things but they where life long companions to us . So it's a good question but a hard one .