Down at the local lake the other day my pup in for a swim front feet thrashing, soon found that in the reeds/grass raupo and stinky mud was more to his taste. Then a ute pulls up local cocky just out of the cowshed walks into water and dives in swimming along. I called my pup and made him sit. The cockys dog a black lab walks only like labs can walk with the whole body waving it tune with the wagging tail. the lab walks into the water and just keeps going swimming happily along without even a splash and hardly making a wave. Out comes the cocky jumps in the ute whistles the dog who just swims into shore transitioning between swimming and walking with no splash jumps onto the ute and there gone. My pup just looks as if to say WTF. the whole encounter lasted 2 mins at tops. Time in the water I guess