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  • 2 Post By robhughes-games
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Thread: training to walk ifront. new dog.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    training to walk ifront. new dog.

    hi all. just got a new dog from the pound. looked too much like our old dog that the wife couldn't say no. I had a hard time too. Paper work says hes a collie x huntaway, the pound thought collie x spaniel. Hes 6 months old and the last owner trained him pretty well. He sits and lies down, stays and walks nice on leash.
    I want to train him to hunt deer and track tahr chamois ect. He was pretty nervous after the pound for 2 weeks but after 2 nights here is getting a lot better.

    Anyways, been reading what I can find but would love some advice. How do you get him to walk ahead of you when hunting? I still want him to walk next to me when on leash or in town ect.
    Is it worth sent training on a skin or just wait until we go bush? Lots more questions but would love to hear your feedback/ideas/thoughts.

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Jafa land
    There are some videos of deer dog training on the deer dog blue print channel. Or something along those lines.

    I am not an expert but i reckon that the dog will get more used to what you are wanting it to find if you get a skin to do scent training. Probably not going to do any harm.

    When you do the scent training try have it on a long line of ten meters. And step on the line when he goes too far. Hopefully he'll associate the length with deer smell.

    Sent from my TA-1024 using Tapatalk
    robhughes-games likes this.

  3. #3
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    Apr 2015
    those beautiful brown eyes would melt anyones heart.....ummmm trying to remember how we started on the walk in front thing.... dog want to go anyway,the trick is to get the distance right. a stop whistle helps,long line works a treat...let dog walk in front and step on line when gets to desired distance...after a time they find the distance you want and it becomes "thier place to be" my bitch isnt fully trained by any means but with single whistle she will stop two clicks of tongue is get going ahead of me. we work as team in bush stalking and mojo comes along WHEN you have faith enough to follow your dog NO MATTER where it wants to take you,look at what they want to show you and by process of elimination they work out what you want.google search for "trusty 222" and you will see how it should be done....search some more and training clips n tips abound.
    at end of day a dog at your side is a huge help when deer stalking even if it does no more than let you know if something is around and finds dead ones.... finding dead game IS THIER JOB not yours...even if deer is lying in plain sight get dog to take you to it...then make big fuss and praise to hilt.
    mine led me 250-300 yards out of my intended path the other week and I shot a pig asleep at 10 yards then got its mate as it took off through ferns...no way in hell would I have found them without Meg.



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