Daughter and I took the dogs for a walk on sat evening to a spot we hadnt been to. Ruger my dog is good I can walk him off the lead and he wont take off. If hes unsure of something he will sit and look at you and wait for instructions. Daughters bf dog is hypo as but usually will stick around. The place we went to was crawling with deer ruger would do his usual just sit and wait for instructions when he spotted one. Would be told good boy and leave it, and he would carry on. Towards the end of the walk the other dog took off after a couple of the bigest fallow stags I have seen. Was gone for ages but could hear dog way off in the bush. At one point sounded like it might of been in pain but dont know the dog that well. Finally caught up with the dog and it seemed fine. Daughter was checking dog later on and noticed a few scrapes on its chest. Would a fallow stag have a go at a dog?