Contesting Load data is irrelevant without complete barrel/chamber/ lead and throat specs.
Ask Carlock if you can have his Edge +P specs, there you will find your clues, and the same answer :)
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Contesting Load data is irrelevant without complete barrel/chamber/ lead and throat specs.
Ask Carlock if you can have his Edge +P specs, there you will find your clues, and the same answer :)
I know what the edge +p is but still would like to know load for that speed? Way I see is, to scared to post must be hot?
my screamer is 102.5gr of us869 at 180gr hybrid at 90.25mm oal 215m primer for a honest 3300 give or take 40 for different tubes but I only tried 4 tubes as only done 4. This load is not hot but does all it has to do
Sent from my GT-I9300T using Tapatalk 2
26 an 27 inch tubes
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Ok, so you know what the Edge+ P is, now you want to find out how it works so well.
In a helpful manner my post suggested you email Carlock to get his throat/barrel specifications that enabled him to achieve such high speeds with little pressure gains, this info will be very valuable to you, and will answer any further questions you have, professionally.
You and Carlock are gunsmiths, i know there is no way you guys trust being educated from the internet, you have qualified in your respective fields well enough for the general public to trust your training with 55,000 psi so close to their face.
In every way, its you guys that already know this stuff, gain popularity by educating us, and for that we will all be thankful.
Hi 404 Hornady brass $71.00 per 20 or Norma 404 brass $225 per 50 cases would be easier to use 7mm Dakota brass !!!
Many thanks quentin, much appreciated.
Originally Posted by 45SOUTH View Post
Hi 404 Hornady brass $71.00 per 20 or Norma 404 brass $225 per 50 cases would be easier to use 7mm Dakota brass !!!
Is that loaded?
that is for brass !
Tussock you are a mile off with the parent case. you will all have to set and wait and see !!!
because like you say been done an its 2.875" long an the 7mm rum in my mind is the biggest un efficent lomon of the rums down load the rum an you have a rem mag/ suam
when young crnkin had his 7mm rum still max load with 2225 an he just made 3k with 180s 3010fps think it was my screamer with same charge was 250 faster......
Our case that we are using is neck down, little turn, flash form an go offers easy dies an nice redding bushing dies even comp dies if you want them.
Barrel will last longer than the rum barrel, brass is better than rum brass, an will match rum speeds........normal rum speeds
I dont get all the anti going on. Your all asking why?what for, i think its cause he want to and he can. If i had half his skill set or access to half the gear i would be doing much more redundant and pointless excersises just for shits n giggles. This seems like a worthy cal and your all shooting it down without knowing its full capabilities or properties. I see a giant fuck off 7mm in my future , I personally dont get all the nay saying and nit picking that goes on here i mean what a awsome group of knowledgable chaps we have most of who are willing to offer free advice and troubleshooting. Ive seen it happen on the other forum were people like this get sick of the shit and stop answering i think that would be a real shame to repeat the same mistake over a bit of ego or black cats blacker syndrome.
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:D looks like you have stirred up some real interest Abe. I havnt seen this sort of scratching on any other sections in this forum
Yea you should try getting two cats in a bath...
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