Earlier this year I was just as surprised as everyone else when Boyds Gunstock Industries ceased taking orders from NZ customers, citing NZ Customs and postal service as the reason they could no longer send stocks here. I went in to bat for NZ customers by following the matter up with Customs, and even got letters from them and the Police to say that there was no issue with Boyds stocks as far as they were concerned. I forwarded these directly to Boyds and expected it may only take a few weeks to get the matter sorted. (Still have copies of the letters here.)
However, weeks turned into months with no sign of progress. So we started looking at other ways to get stocks sent over to NZ, and the result was that we had to place large orders and have a commercial freight agent handle the shipment at both the US and NZ ends. This was not a cheap option, but better than no stocks at all. However, this also seemed to take several months to get sorted, but last week the first box of stocks arrived (which was actually ordered in May).
Attachment 14320Attachment 14321
Some of these have already been sold, but there are some Remington 700 stocks left in this order, and in the next lot there will be some 'Tacticool' ones, as well as left hand models, which have always been over the DIY import $$ limit. Mainly Remington 700 and Ruger 10/22 stocks in the next lot too - due to land here in another 3 weeks approx.
Also, with Boyds now offering checkering and customised features as optional extra, there may be a few guys who want to take advantage of this, but who can't order it themselves.
If anyone is keen on a stock that is left available from my current orders, or if you want to put a deposit down to special order a stock, then let me know.
Costs will depend on the exchange rate at the time of ordering, and a share of the split on the freight and customs/export permit/import fees for each order, plus GST. Naturally, as this is a commercial order i can't avoid the GST so have to pass this on, and also have to put a small margin on as well to cover my admin time and to help cover the risk that goes with any importation of products on behalf of others, etc. etc.
Email me for price estimates.